FS 2009 |
collaboration with TKK Helsinki and the municipal authorities of Würzburg |
09.05.08 |
exhibition in Helsinki. Work of the TKK students and the input from Zürich |
26.03.08 |
lecture at TKK Helsinki (Doz. Dr. G. Biridelli) "Learning in Distances" |
15.02.08 |
e_teamwork GUIDE |
15.02.08 |
final report mt_EAST/update |
HS 2008 |
collaboration with Carleton University from October to December |
FS 2008 |
collaboration with TU Braunschweig during one semester |
15.02-10.05.08 |
collaboration with TKK Helsinki and the municipal authorities of Würzburg. |
31.05.08 |
the new eTable is complete and already in service |
03.-04.08 |
developement and testing of an eTable prototype |
21.02-15.03.08 |
four-weeks workshop with the TU Delft |
HS 2007 |
collaboration with the TU Braunschweig |
SS 2007 |
collaboration with the TU Braunschweig |
2.-6.07.07 |
workshop with the TU Delft |
31.05.07 |
progress report mt_EAST/update |
9./10.03.07 |
lecture at the convention "Lehren und Lernen nach Bologna" |
WS 06/07 |
collaboration with the TU Braunschweig |
08.11.06 |
start of project mt_EAST/update |
SS 2006 |
collaboration with the TU Braunschweig, in form of an impromptu task |
WS 05/06 |
collaboration with the TU Braunschweig |
14.11.05 |
"Tag der Lehre", ETH Zurich |
01.09.05 |
progress report mt_EAST (2004-2006) |
11.07.05 |
lecture at the TU Braunschweig (Doz. Dr.
G. Biridelli)
"mt_EAST oder Zusammen-Lernen in Distanzen" |
SS 2005 |
collaboration with the TU Braunschweig |
05.11.05 |
lecture at the 9th NET-ELC convention, ETH
Zurich (Doz. Dr. G. Biridelli)
"Zusammen-Lernen in Distanzen" |
mt_EAST booth at exhibition of the convention
WS 04/05 |
collaboration with the TU Braunschweig |
25.10.04 |
start of project mt_EAST (2004-2006) |
17.12.03 |
lecture at Forum for new educational media,
NET/DIZ, ETH Zurich (Doz. Dr. G. Biridelli)
"mt-EAST - multilocational teamwork_Educational Advanced
Support Tools" |
07.11.03 |
mt_EAST booth at exhibition of the convention
01.07.03 |
final report of project mt_EAST (2001-2003) |
WS 02/03 |
collaboration with the TU Braunschweig and
the TU Aachen |
08.11.02 |
mt_EAST booth at exhibition of the convention
SS 2002 |
collaboration with the TU Braunschweig and
the TU Berlin |
31.08.01 |
progress report and analysis of project mt_EAST |
SS 2001 |
collaboration with the ADA Mendrisio |
01.01.01 |
start of project mt_EAST (2001-2003) |