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FS 2009 collaboration with TKK Helsinki and the municipal authorities of Würzburg
09.05.08 exhibition in Helsinki. Work of the TKK students and the input from Zürich
26.03.08 lecture at TKK Helsinki (Doz. Dr. G. Biridelli) "Learning in Distances"
15.02.08 e_teamwork GUIDE
15.02.08 final report mt_EAST/update
HS 2008 collaboration with Carleton University from October to December
FS 2008 collaboration with TU Braunschweig during one semester
15.02-10.05.08 collaboration with TKK Helsinki and the municipal authorities of Würzburg.
31.05.08 the new eTable is complete and already in service
03.-04.08 developement and testing of an eTable prototype
21.02-15.03.08 four-weeks workshop with the TU Delft
HS 2007 collaboration with the TU Braunschweig
SS 2007 collaboration with the TU Braunschweig
2.-6.07.07 workshop with the TU Delft
31.05.07 progress report mt_EAST/update
9./10.03.07 lecture at the convention "Lehren und Lernen nach Bologna"
WS 06/07 collaboration with the TU Braunschweig
08.11.06 start of project mt_EAST/update
SS 2006 collaboration with the TU Braunschweig, in form of an impromptu task
WS 05/06 collaboration with the TU Braunschweig
14.11.05 "Tag der Lehre", ETH Zurich
01.09.05 progress report mt_EAST (2004-2006)

lecture at the TU Braunschweig (Doz. Dr. G. Biridelli)
"mt_EAST oder Zusammen-Lernen in Distanzen"

SS 2005 collaboration with the TU Braunschweig
05.11.05 lecture at the 9th NET-ELC convention, ETH Zurich (Doz. Dr. G. Biridelli)
"Zusammen-Lernen in Distanzen"
  mt_EAST booth at exhibition of the convention NET 2005, ETHZ/UNIZH
WS 04/05 collaboration with the TU Braunschweig
start of project mt_EAST (2004-2006)
17.12.03 lecture at Forum for new educational media, NET/DIZ, ETH Zurich (Doz. Dr. G. Biridelli)
"mt-EAST - multilocational teamwork_Educational Advanced Support Tools"
07.11.03 mt_EAST booth at exhibition of the convention NET 2003, ETHZ/UNIZH
01.07.03 final report of project mt_EAST (2001-2003)
WS 02/03 collaboration with the TU Braunschweig and the TU Aachen
08.11.02 mt_EAST booth at exhibition of the convention NET 2002, ETHZ/UNIZH
SS 2002 collaboration with the TU Braunschweig and the TU Berlin
31.08.01 progress report and analysis of project mt_EAST
SS 2001 collaboration with the ADA Mendrisio
01.01.01 start of project mt_EAST (2001-2003)

Further information

project reports and other documents are to be found under downloads.



This website has been archived and is no longer maintained.