Project description
mt_EAST is a course of studies supported by
new learning technologies. The focus of teh project is the use of remote collaboration
as a form of cooperation between students from different universities.
The task addressed during a remote collaboration is the architectural
project of a student. This student of a foreign university acts as the
head of the project, overseeing planning and meetings. His or her colleagues at the
ETH take on the role of specialized architects, focusing on topics such as construction, or building
structure. mt_EAST thereby addresses a variety of skills, including proficiency in specialist consultation, media use and social cooperation.
Currently the main goal of the project is to examine new forms of collaboration.
With the use of an electronic table – equipped with a touch
screen and Internet connection – and a web-cam, multiple students
can work simultaneously to establish a"remote seminar".
mt_EAST movie
The project mt_EAST has continually sought to optimise the user interface and to test and evaluate new software and hardware. The first addition to the normal workstation was the graphic tablet, as a sketching aid. In 2005, an electronic table, the InteractTable from the company Wilkhahn was tested for the first time. Many positive experiences were made, particularly in remote collaborations with multiple participants.
Should more than two separate localities participate in a remote collaboration, an additional Marratech server must be installed, for which license fees are incurred. In 2006, an eTable was developed, a flat-screen, on which one can sketch by hand or with a pen. The eTable had a fixed height, was immovable, and, due to its horizontal position, only suitable for a limited number of participants. For this reason, a new ergonomic table was developed in 2008. The new multi_BOARD is based on an electronic drawing board, rather than on a table.
The multi_BOARD is an interactive drawing board, developed especially for conducting remote collaborations and particularly remote seminars and fulfills the essential requirements of a multifunctional tool. The multi_BOARD has wheels for transport, built-in speakers, and can be quickly connected to a laptop. The height and angle of the table’s screen can be adjusted via a hydraulic pump. It is also possible to save specific working positions and recall these via the press of a button. Below, a number of selected configurations are discussed in closer detail.
Configuartion 1: Conference Table
Horizontal. One person or a small group. Discussions in smaller frameworks or between members of the same standing. The height of the table is appropriate for work while standing or sitting on barstools.
Configuartion 2: Drawing Board
Tilted at 30 degrees to 50 degress. One person or smaller teams. The tilted position of the table facilitates work considerably. Yet the number of participants is limited, as one can work only on one side of the table.
Configuartion 3: Balckboard
Tilted at 90 degrees. Appropriate for large groups with hierarchical structure, seminars, presentations, and critiques. In this position, the multi_BOARD can also be used as a blackboard