
news | program 2009 | partners for 2009 | dates | participants
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New partners for autumn term 2009

for the autumn term 2009 we search interested universities and motivated students around the world the unique opportunity to participate in a remote teaching semester or a workshop with students and the Chair of Structural Engineering of the ETH Zürich.

Semester scedule
autumn 2009 September 2009-December 2009

What’s it about: mt_EAST is a course supported with new communication technologies. We focus on a "remote collaboration", with students, assistants and tutors from different universities, that is based on the principal of tutorial studying attendance.

The in practice usual division of a project between the project managing architects and the executing expert planners is simulated. The communication takes place via "remote collaboration", that means a video/audio conference with a white-board-drawing-tool, based on the Internet. An electronically conference-table enables the accomplishment of "remote seminars".

The main objective is to give students a hands-on experience in a practice-like environment, learning how to work in a team and to get used with the new media.

We offer the following scenarios:
• Design-students from your university are, during one semester being supported by students and the chair of civil engineering from the ETH Zürich, developing a supporting structure.

• An intensive workshop to consolidate the understanding of supporting structure and develop a project towards realization.

We are open for new ideas and scenarios. If you found some interest in the project, please contact us.

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