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Interface icc.face.Client

public interface Client
extends EventHandling
The Client interface specifies display constants and defines the interface of methods an applet needs to implement in order to make use of the classes in this package.

Variable Index

 o agentDisplayHTML
The name of the JavaScript function to display an HTML string in the agent frame.
 o agentDisplayURL
The name of the JavaScript function to display a URL in the agent frame.
 o bannerDisplayHTML
The name of the JavaScript function to display an HTML string in the banner frame.
 o bannerDisplayURL
The name of the JavaScript function to display a URL in the banner frame.
 o dialogDisplayHTML
The name of the JavaScript function to display an HTML string in the dialog window.
 o dialogDisplayURL
The name of the JavaScript function to display a URL in the dialog window.
 o mainDisplayHTML
The name of the JavaScript function to display an HTML string in the main frame.
 o mainDisplayURL
The name of the JavaScript function to display a URL in the main frame.
 o newDisplayHTML
The name of the JavaScript function to display an HTML string in a new window.
 o newDisplayURL
The name of the JavaScript function to display a URL in a new window.
 o overviewDisplayHTML
The name of the JavaScript function to display an HTML string in the overview frame.
 o overviewDisplayURL
The name of the JavaScript function to display a URL in the overview frame.
 o viewDisplayHTML
The name of the JavaScript function to display an HTML string in the view frame.
 o viewDisplayURL
The name of the JavaScript function to display a URL in the view frame.

Method Index

 o authenticated(boolean)
Informs the user whether the authentication was successful or not.
 o handleAccess(Access, Access)
Handles visual updates as the result of a new organizational cube or an update to the access rights of an existing cube.
 o handleDocument(Header, File)
Handles visual updates as the result of a new document or an update to an existing document.
 o initialize()
Initializes the applet after all project and partners information has been received by the handler.
 o jsProvide(String, Object)
Stores a data object under a specified key, for later retrieval.
 o jsRequest(String)
Returns the data object corresponding the specified key.
 o publish(String, String)
Publishes a string of HTML or a URL in the specified frame or window.


 o bannerDisplayHTML
 public static final String bannerDisplayHTML
The name of the JavaScript function to display an HTML string in the banner frame.

 o mainDisplayHTML
 public static final String mainDisplayHTML
The name of the JavaScript function to display an HTML string in the main frame.

 o viewDisplayHTML
 public static final String viewDisplayHTML
The name of the JavaScript function to display an HTML string in the view frame.

 o overviewDisplayHTML
 public static final String overviewDisplayHTML
The name of the JavaScript function to display an HTML string in the overview frame.

 o newDisplayHTML
 public static final String newDisplayHTML
The name of the JavaScript function to display an HTML string in a new window.

 o agentDisplayHTML
 public static final String agentDisplayHTML
The name of the JavaScript function to display an HTML string in the agent frame.

 o dialogDisplayHTML
 public static final String dialogDisplayHTML
The name of the JavaScript function to display an HTML string in the dialog window.

 o bannerDisplayURL
 public static final String bannerDisplayURL
The name of the JavaScript function to display a URL in the banner frame.

 o mainDisplayURL
 public static final String mainDisplayURL
The name of the JavaScript function to display a URL in the main frame.

 o viewDisplayURL
 public static final String viewDisplayURL
The name of the JavaScript function to display a URL in the view frame.

 o overviewDisplayURL
 public static final String overviewDisplayURL
The name of the JavaScript function to display a URL in the overview frame.

 o newDisplayURL
 public static final String newDisplayURL
The name of the JavaScript function to display a URL in a new window.

 o agentDisplayURL
 public static final String agentDisplayURL
The name of the JavaScript function to display a URL in the agent frame.

 o dialogDisplayURL
 public static final String dialogDisplayURL
The name of the JavaScript function to display a URL in the dialog window.


 o authenticated
 public abstract void authenticated(boolean success)
Informs the user whether the authentication was successful or not. If successful, this method is called after the user information has been received by the handler.

See Also:
 o initialize
 public abstract void initialize()
Initializes the applet after all project and partners information has been received by the handler.

See Also:
 o handleDocument
 public abstract void handleDocument(Header orig,
                                     File anew)
Handles visual updates as the result of a new document or an update to an existing document. This method is called from the handler.

See Also:
 o handleAccess
 public abstract void handleAccess(Access orig,
                                   Access anew)
Handles visual updates as the result of a new organizational cube or an update to the access rights of an existing cube. This method is called from the handler.

See Also:
 o publish
 public abstract void publish(String display,
                              String script)
Publishes a string of HTML or a URL in the specified frame or window.

display - the name of the JavaScript function
script - the string argument to the JavaScript function
 o jsRequest
 public abstract Object jsRequest(String key)
Returns the data object corresponding the specified key. This method is accessible from JavaScript.

key - the data key
the corresponding data object
 o jsProvide
 public abstract void jsProvide(String key,
                                Object data)
Stores a data object under a specified key, for later retrieval. accessible from JavaScript

key - a data key
data - a data object

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