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Class icc.face.PartnersPage


public final class PartnersPage
extends Presenter
The PartnersPage class represents an interface for the presentation and modification of project teams' and partners' information.

See Also:
Team, Partner

Variable Index

A useful constant to retrieve a partner's e-mail address, or specify an additional overview field.
 o FAX
A useful constant to retrieve a partner's office fax number, or specify an additional overview field.
A useful constant to specify a new partner's function in this project, or specify an additional overview field.
A useful constant to retrieve a partner's location, or specify the team locations as the desired organization.
A useful constant to specify a new partner's initial password.
A useful constant to retrieve a partner's office phone number, or specify an additional overview field.
A useful constant to specify the team roles as the desired organization.
 o WWW
A useful constant to retrieve a partner's WWW address, or specify an additional overview field.

Constructor Index

 o PartnersPage(Client, Handler, String, String)
Allocates a PartnersPage object for the specified client applet and handler and with the specified display name and url.

Method Index

 o addOn()
Returns whether members are being added to this team or not.
 o clearTags()
Clears all tags.
 o editNew()
Sets this information to a new partner or team being edited.
 o editOn()
Returns whether this information is being edited or not.
 o firstPartner(Integer)
Returns the first partner in the specified team, if any.
 o getFunction(Integer)
Returns the project function for the specified partner.
 o getOrganization()
Returns the current organization string.
 o getOverview()
Returns the additional overview field name.
 o getPartner()
Returns the current partner (or team) information.
 o getPartner(Integer)
Returns the partner information for the specified partner.
 o getPartnerId(String)
Returns the partner identifier corresponding the specified username.
 o getProject()
Returns the current project identifier.
 o getProjectName()
Returns the current project name.
 o getProjectTitle()
Returns the current project title.
 o getSelection()
Returns the current organizational selection string.
 o getSelections(String)
Returns an array of valid selection names for the specified organization.
 o getTeam()
Returns the current team information.
 o isEditable(Integer)
Returns whether the selected team or partner information is editable by the current user, i.e., whether the user is the project administrator or belongs to the selected team or is the selected partner.
 o isModifiable()
Checks whether the partner information is modifiable, i.e., whether the user is the project administrator.
 o isOpen(Integer)
Checks whether the specified team is shown including all team partners, or not.
 o isOpen(String)
Checks whether the specified selection is shown including all selection teams, or not.
 o isRootProject()
Checks if the current project is the root project.
 o isTagged(Integer)
Checks whether the specified partner is tagged or not.
 o isTeam()
Checks whether the current information concerns a team or partner.
 o lastPartner(Integer)
Returns the last partner in the specified team, if any.
 o nextPartner(Integer, Integer)
Returns the next partner in the specified team, if any.
 o nextTeam(String, Integer)
Returns the next team in the specified selection, if any.
 o overviews()
Returns an array of valid overview field names.
 o previousPartner(Integer, Integer)
Returns the previous partner in the specified team, if any.
 o previousTeam(String, Integer)
Returns the previous team in the specified selection, if any.
 o selections()
Returns an array of valid selection names for the current organization.
 o setOrganization(String)
Sets the current organization.
 o setOverview(String)
Sets the current overview field name.
 o setPartner(Integer)
Sets the current partner.
 o setProject(Integer)
Sets the current project.
 o setSelection(String)
Sets the current organizational selection.
 o setTeam(Integer)
Sets the current team.
 o submit()
Submits the edited partner information for confirmation to the project database.
 o submitAddition(Integer[])
Submits the new set of team members for confirmation to the project database.
 o submitRemoval()
Submits a request to the project database to remove the current partner from this team, or the current team from the database, if no current partner is selected.
 o tags()
Returns an array of all tagged partner identifiers.
 o teams(String)
Returns an array of team identifiers corresponding the specified selection.
 o toggleAdd()
Toggles whether this team is being added on or not.
 o toggleEdit()
Toggles whether this information is being edited or not.
 o toggleOpen(Integer)
Toggles whether the specified team is shown including all team partners, or not.
 o toggleOpen(String)
Toggles whether the specified selection is shown including all selection teams or not.
 o toggleTag(Integer)
Toggles whether the specified partner is tagged or not.


 public final String ROLE
A useful constant to specify the team roles as the desired organization.

 public final String LOCATION
A useful constant to retrieve a partner's location, or specify the team locations as the desired organization.

 public final String EMAIL
A useful constant to retrieve a partner's e-mail address, or specify an additional overview field.

 o WWW
 public final String WWW
A useful constant to retrieve a partner's WWW address, or specify an additional overview field. organization.

 public final String PHONE
A useful constant to retrieve a partner's office phone number, or specify an additional overview field.

 o FAX
 public final String FAX
A useful constant to retrieve a partner's office fax number, or specify an additional overview field. organization.

 public final String PASSWORD
A useful constant to specify a new partner's initial password. organization.

 public final String FUNCTION
A useful constant to specify a new partner's function in this project, or specify an additional overview field.


 o PartnersPage
 public PartnersPage(Client client,
                     Handler handler,
                     String display,
                     String url)
Allocates a PartnersPage object for the specified client applet and handler and with the specified display name and url.

client - the client applet
handler - the client handler
display - a display name
url - a url to be published in this display


 o getProject
 public Integer getProject()
Returns the current project identifier.

a project identifier
 o getProjectName
 public String getProjectName()
Returns the current project name.

a project name
 o getProjectTitle
 public String getProjectTitle()
Returns the current project title.

a project title
 o getPartner
 public Partner getPartner()
Returns the current partner (or team) information.

a partner
 o isTeam
 public boolean isTeam()
Checks whether the current information concerns a team or partner.

true if a team is concerned, false otherwise
 o getTeam
 public Team getTeam()
Returns the current team information.

a team
 o getSelection
 public String getSelection()
Returns the current organizational selection string.

a selection name
 o getOrganization
 public String getOrganization()
Returns the current organization string.

an organization name
 o overviews
 public String[] overviews()
Returns an array of valid overview field names.

 o getOverview
 public String getOverview()
Returns the additional overview field name.

an overview field name
 o editOn
 public boolean editOn()
Returns whether this information is being edited or not.

true if this information is being edited, false otherwise.
 o addOn
 public boolean addOn()
Returns whether members are being added to this team or not.

true if this team is being added on, false otherwise.
 o setProject
 public void setProject(Integer id)
Sets the current project.

id - a project identifier
 o isEditable
 public boolean isEditable(Integer id)
Returns whether the selected team or partner information is editable by the current user, i.e., whether the user is the project administrator or belongs to the selected team or is the selected partner.

id - a partner identifier
true if this information is editable, false otherwise.
 o isModifiable
 public boolean isModifiable()
Checks whether the partner information is modifiable, i.e., whether the user is the project administrator.

true if the partner information is modifiable, false otherwise.
 o getPartner
 public Partner getPartner(Integer id)
Returns the partner information for the specified partner.

id - a partner identifier
the partner information
 o getFunction
 public String getFunction(Integer id)
Returns the project function for the specified partner.

id - a partner identifier
the partner's project function
 o getPartnerId
 public Integer getPartnerId(String username)
Returns the partner identifier corresponding the specified username.

username - a partner's username
the partner identifier
 o setPartner
 public void setPartner(Integer id)
Sets the current partner. This partner must belong to the current team.

id - a partner identifier
 o teams
 public Integer[] teams(String selection)
Returns an array of team identifiers corresponding the specified selection.

 o setTeam
 public void setTeam(Integer id)
Sets the current team. This team must belong to the current selection. The current partner is set to null.

id - a team identifier
 o selections
 public String[] selections()
Returns an array of valid selection names for the current organization.

 o getSelections
 public String[] getSelections(String organization)
Returns an array of valid selection names for the specified organization.

 o setSelection
 public void setSelection(String selection)
Sets the current organizational selection. This selection must belong to the current organization. The current team and partner are set to null.

selection - a selection name
 o setOrganization
 public void setOrganization(String org)
Sets the current organization. The current selection, team and partner are set to null.

org - an organization name
See Also:
 o setOverview
 public void setOverview(String field)
Sets the current overview field name. If the field name is null no additional overview field should be shown.

field - an overview field name
See Also:
 o toggleEdit
 public void toggleEdit()
Toggles whether this information is being edited or not.

 o toggleAdd
 public void toggleAdd()
Toggles whether this team is being added on or not. This method fails if currently a partner is selected.

 o editNew
 public void editNew()
Sets this information to a new partner or team being edited.

 o isTagged
 public boolean isTagged(Integer id)
Checks whether the specified partner is tagged or not.

id - a partner identifier
true if the partner is tagged, false otherwise
 o toggleTag
 public void toggleTag(Integer id)
Toggles whether the specified partner is tagged or not.

id - a partner identifier
 o tags
 public Integer[] tags()
Returns an array of all tagged partner identifiers.

an array of partner identifiers
 o clearTags
 public void clearTags()
Clears all tags.

 o isOpen
 public boolean isOpen(Integer id)
Checks whether the specified team is shown including all team partners, or not.

id - a team identifier
true if the team is open, false otherwise
 o isOpen
 public boolean isOpen(String selection)
Checks whether the specified selection is shown including all selection teams, or not.

selection - a selection name
true if the selection is open, false otherwise
 o toggleOpen
 public void toggleOpen(Integer id)
Toggles whether the specified team is shown including all team partners, or not.

id - a team identifier
 o toggleOpen
 public void toggleOpen(String selection)
Toggles whether the specified selection is shown including all selection teams or not.

selection - a selection name
 o previousPartner
 public Partner previousPartner(Integer team,
                                Integer id)
Returns the previous partner in the specified team, if any.

team - a team identifier
id - a partner identifier
the resulting partner information; null otherwise.
 o previousTeam
 public Team previousTeam(String group,
                          Integer id)
Returns the previous team in the specified selection, if any.

group - a selection string
id - a team identifier
the resulting team information; null otherwise.
 o nextPartner
 public Partner nextPartner(Integer team,
                            Integer id)
Returns the next partner in the specified team, if any.

team - a team identifier
id - a partner identifier
the resulting partner information; null otherwise.
 o isRootProject
 public boolean isRootProject()
Checks if the current project is the root project.

true if this is the root project, false otherwise
 o nextTeam
 public Team nextTeam(String group,
                      Integer id)
Returns the next team in the specified selection, if any.

group - a selection string
id - a team identifier
the resulting team information; null otherwise.
 o firstPartner
 public Partner firstPartner(Integer team)
Returns the first partner in the specified team, if any.

team - a team identifier
the resulting partner information; null otherwise.
 o lastPartner
 public Partner lastPartner(Integer team)
Returns the last partner in the specified team, if any.

team - a team identifier
the resulting partner information; null otherwise.
 o submit
 public boolean submit()
Submits the edited partner information for confirmation to the project database. If this information concerns a new partner, the partner's password must be specified as an attribute with type equal to PASSWORD. Additionally, the partner's function in this project may be specified as an attribute with type equal to FUNCTION. If any necessary information is missing or incomplete, the information is not submitted.

true if the information is submitted; false otherwise
See Also:
PASSWORD, FUNCTION, alter, create, create
 o submitAddition
 public boolean submitAddition(Integer ids[])
Submits the new set of team members for confirmation to the project database.

ids - an array of new member identifiers, possibly including null values.
true if the information is submitted; false otherwise
See Also:
addOn, alterTeam
 o submitRemoval
 public boolean submitRemoval()
Submits a request to the project database to remove the current partner from this team, or the current team from the database, if no current partner is selected. If it concerns a partner, this partner will be removed from the project, unless this partner belongs to another team. Furthermore, this partner will be removed from the database unless this partner belongs to another project. If it concerns a team, this team cannot contain any partners. If the current information is being edited, this method will fail.

true if the request is submitted; false otherwise
See Also:
alterTeam, removeProject, editOn

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