The main objectives of this course are to provide an introduction to: (i) programming in LISP, (ii) using a computer aided design software- AutoCad and its programming environment- AutoLisp, and (iii) theoretical concepts in development of CAAD programs. Keeping in mind the constraints of time, this course aims for breadth in the topics included and thereby provides a broad overview of the CAAD area in the shortest possible time. It should be noted that this course is not a substitute for an intensive programming course or a specialized course in CAAD; but this course provides adequate training which will make it easier for studying more intensive courses subsequently.
This script is organized by lecture topics listed in the course schedule. In each Kapitel, you will find major topics described under relevant headings. Whenever you find some text that is in courier font, for example - this text is in courier font, it refers to either a programming concept or a command in AutoCad or UNIX. Whenever you are asked to type in such text, you should type it exactly as shown. Due to a variety of factors, including the fact that UNIX is case sensitive and AutoCad is not, no capital letters should be used for any directory or file names. Some of the lectures and exercises will be presented in English.
Aufgabenverteilung und Verdankungen
Several members of the Professur for CAAD will be involved in the lectures and exercises for this course. Dr. Bharat Dave, has a Master of Science degree in Architecture from Carnegie Mellon University and a PhD from the ETH. He has extensive experience in the design and teaching of computer programming courses. Mrs. Maia Engeli has an DIPL. Arch. diploma for ETH Zurich and a Master's degree from Harvard University. Mr. David Kurmann has a El.-Ing diploma from the ETH and is a software engineer currently working on a multi-disciplinary project. Ms. Sharon Refvem has a Bachelor of Architecture degree from the University of Oregon, is a licensed architect in California and presently a PhD student at the Professur for CAAD. A program written by Ms. Kai Strehlke was used to create the image for the cover of this script.
I want to thank Dr. Dave in particular for his seminal role in the design of this course. It is the result of our experiences in the Wintersemester 1990/91 and his knowledge.
You can sign up for the course starting October 10, 1994 in room E65/E67. In case of questions, please contact Bharat Dave, Maia Engeli, David Kurmann at the chair for CAAD, HIL D74.3.
There are fourteen exercises. You have passed the course and will receive the Testat once you have successfully completed ten exercises and the final presentation, which will be a summary of your work and your experiences during the course. We encourage you to complete all assignments in the time frame given in the schedule. The latest date to hand in exercises necessary for the Testat is March 17, 1995.
Empfohlene Literatur
The following two books can be obtained at the book store.
- Das grosse AutoCAD12 Programmierbuch, Christian Immler, Data Becker, 1993
- Programming in Common Lisp, Rodney Brooks, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1985
Multiple copies of the following two references are available in the Lab.
- AutoCad Reference Manual, AutoDesk AG, 1990
- AutoLisp Programmer's Reference, AutoDesk AG, 1990
If you intend to do intensive programming in C, the following book is recommended.
- The C Primer, Les Hancock and Morris Krieger, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1986
- A Book on C, Al Kelley and Ira Pohl, The Benjamin Cummings Publishing Co., Inc., Redwood City, California, 1990
28.10.94 1 Einleitung Uebung 1
04.11.94 2 Lisp I Uebung 2
11.11.94 3 AutoCAD I Uebung 3
18.11.94 4 Lisp II Uebung 4
25.11.94 5 Entwurf von Programmen Uebung 5
02.12.94 -- Seminarwoche
09.12.94 6 Lisp III Uebung 6
16.12.94 7 Lisp IV Uebung 7
24.12.94 8 AutoCAD II Uebung 8
30.12.94 -- Weihnachtsferien
06.01.94 -- Weihnachtsferien
13.01.94 9 AutoCAD III Uebung 9
20.01.94 10 CAAD I Uebung 10a, 10b
27.01.94 11 CAAD II Uebung 11
03.02.94 12 Programmiersprachen Uebung 12
10.02.94 13 CAAD III Uebung 13
17.02.94 Schlusspraesentation
24.02.94 -- Semesterende
To the next chapter
@ by Architektur und CAAD 1994.......... The Teacher Team