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Kapitel 9
Inventor I - From AutoCAD to Inventor and C++

9.1 Why Inventor

With Inventor it is possible to write programs that take advantage of fast graphics. Inventor is based on OpenGL (Open Graphics Language), which will be available on many platforms. OpenGL is replacing the older GL, which was faster and easier to program, but was only available on Silicon Graphic Machines. Inventor too will be available on other platforms and therefor the programs you write will be portable. Inventor writes iv-files, which format is similar to the upcoming standardised format for VRML (Virtual Reality Markup Language). To know Inventor means to be ready for fast graphics programming and be able to create world-wide accessible virtual reality models.

Lets start from what we know and approach Inventor and C++ programming step-by-step:

9.2 Export

9.2.1 File Formats

Different CAD-Programs store the description of objects in different ways. Often the drawing files of one CAD program cannot be opened with another CAD program. Some standardised file formats had to be established, file formats that can be written by one program and read by another, to enable the user to transport a model into a different environment.

Several formats exist, important ones are:

dxf, originates from AutoDESK/AutoCAD, but is now used by many others too.
STEP, standard for the exchange of product model data, a draft standard defined by ISO (International Standard Organisation).
IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) is an ANSI (American national standard) standard, a neutral format widely used for big systems, similar importance as STEP.
A translator is a program or procedure, that can write the data from a program in a specific file format, similar to translating from one language to another. Sometimes a translator can not translate every information into an other format. For example solids from AutoCAD often get translated into wire frame objects, if the desired format has no notion of a solid. A translated representation is often complex, because the translator cannot recognise that special shapes and features could be formulated in a simpler way.

9.2.2 iv Format

iv is the standard file format for exchanging 3D data among applications defined by Inventor. Compared to dxf it is easy to read and modify. Scenes for Inventor could be written directly as iv-files, which might be the reason for basing VRML on this format.


	( (-1 . <Entity name: 600003cc>) 
	  (0 . "POLYLINE") 
	  (8 . "0") 
	  (66 . 1) 
	  (10 0.0 0.0 0.0)
	  (5 . "2D") 
	  (70 . 16) 
	  (40 . 0.0) 
	  (41 . 0.0) 
	  (210 0.0 0.0 1.0) 
	  (71 . 6) 
	  (72 . 3) 
	  (73 . 0) 
	  (74 . 0) 
	  (75 . 0)
	Separator {
	    Cube {
		width   1
		height  1
		depth   1

Translation to iv:

	Separator {
	    Label {
		label "group0"
	    Separator {
		Coordinate3 {
		    point	[ 1 0 1,
			  0 0 1,
			  0 0 0,
			  1 0 0,
			  0 1 1,
			  0 1 0,
			  1 1 1,
			  1 1 0 ]
		ShapeHints {
		    vertexOrdering COUNTERCLOCKWISE
		    shapeType      SOLID
		    faceType       UNKNOWN_FACE_TYPE
		Normal {
		    vector	[ 0 -1  0,
				 -1  0  0,
				  0  1  0,
				  0  0  -1,
				  1  0  0,
				  0  0  1 ]
		NormalBinding {
		    value   PER_VERTEX_INDEXED
		IndexedFaceSet {
		[ 0, 1, 2, 3, -1, 1, 4, 5,
		  2, -1, 4, 6, 7, 5, -1, 5,
		  7, 3, 2, -1, 7, 6, 0, 3,
		 -1, 6, 4, 1, 0, -1 ]
		[ 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1, 1, 1,
			  1, -1, 2, 2, 2, 2, -1, 3,
		  3, 3, 3, -1, 4, 4, 4, 4,
		 -1, 5, 5, 5, 5, -1 ]

A cube as AutoCAD entity, a cube in iv format, and translated to iv-format, the translator was not able to recognise the cube and translated it into a group with an IndexedFaceSet.

9.3 Inventor

9.3.1 What is Inventor

(see also: "The Inventor Mentor", Addison Wesley, 1994)

Open Inventor is an object-oriented toolkit for developing interactive, 3D graphics applications. In other words: You can include and link the program you are writing with files from the Inventor library. Inventor is a toolkit for programmers.

An advantage of using a toolkit like Inventor is that you do not have to write low-level procedures for the graphics display. These have been written and optimised by specialised programmers. Inventor also makes sure that you do not have to know much about the architecture of the computer you are using. For example you can call for texture mapping in your program, if your computer cannot do texture mapping the program will nonetheless run, just without drawing patterns.

9.3.2 Nodes and Paths

For Inventor to know what to draw and how, a tree called Scenegraph is built up. The nodes in this tree describe shapes, properties, and more. The connections between the nodes define the path along which the program moves while displaying the graphics.

The scenegraph starts with a top node, by convention called root. Inventor loops through the tree by starting at root and after the last node has been passed, restarting at root. The graph is traversed top to bottom, left to right.

Top to bottom, left to right traversal of a scenegraph.

Sphere, Cube

For simple, often used shapes, like cubes and spheres, there are predefined shapes available. For a cube it then suffices to define the size of each of the three extensions, For a sphere only the radius has to specified.

More complicated shapes have to be defined by the coordinates of the vertices and how they have to be combined.

Scenegraph with a sphere shape node and a cube shape node.

Material, Transformation

Before a shape is drawn, certain properties can be defined. To define the color the material's color has to be defined. To specify the position a translation has to be applied. The properties have to be included as nodes before the shape node so that they get read first in the traversing of the scenegraph.

Scenegraph for a red sphere


A Separator node makes sure that anything underneath it is not applied to the following nodes. If you are building a blue composition with a red part somewhere, you can use a separator so that the red material is not applied to the following shapes. Separators also help to make a Scenegraph more readable, they are stetting a mark for a subgraph.

The top node is preferably a Separator, so that every time Inventor starts drawing the Scenegraph, everything is reset to the defaults.

Scenegraph with separators, a red sphere, and a blue cube.

9.4 C++

9.4.1 Programming Languages

Programming languages can be grouped in procedural, symbolic, and object oriented. In the following the characteristics and advantages of each group will be explained.


In procedural language statements are executed in a well defined order, and the types of variables are specified. Languages like Pascal, C, FORTRAN, are examples. They are suited for tasks that involve well understood series of operations, numerical instructions, and the necessity of maintaining precise data types.


Symbolic languages, like LISP and AutoLISP, treat variables like symbols, which can change their type during execution of the program. These languages are fine for task that involve the manipulation of abstract concepts, associations between them, and data sizes and types, which are not known in advance. For these reasons much AI (Artificial Intelligence) programming is done with symbolic languages.

object oriented

Object oriented languages, like C++ and Smalltalk, are strongly typed, but not procedural. The functions that are executed are called by the objects and will influence other objects. These languages are good for describing parts and the way they interact in a bottom up approach. Many graphics libraries are written with an object oriented approach, because first the elements and their behavior can be described and then the whole picture composed.

9.4.2 Characteristics of C++

C++ is an object oriented language. An object is defined by its name, variables and functions. For the use of C++ in combination with Inventor we can start without defining our own objects and just make use of the ones made available by Inventor. Lets start by looking at how to work with defined objects.

initialise an object

Before an object can be used it has to be initialised. A description of a type of an object has to be assigned to a name. The C++ operator to use is called new. The name of the node has to be looked up from the reference manual. The variable name is preceded by an asterisk (*), which means it is a pointer to an object, the pointer's value is an address in memory, at which the whole object is stored.

Because pointers are a complex feature you should take this form of defining an object as a convention and learn from the examples how to use the asterisk (*) and also the arrow (->) to define and access the objects.

For a cube node this looks like this:

	SoCube *mycube = new SoCube;

assign a value to a variable

To define the dimensions of the cube, the variables for width, height and depth have to be set. All these variables have default values, even if you do not specify them something will be drawn. You can look up the defaults in the reference manual. For example: SoCube has default of 2.0 for each dimension.

This is how the dimensions of the cube can be specified:

	mycube->width = 1.5;
	mycube->height = 2.7;
	mycube->depth = 2.1;

use a function

Some nodes do not allow the values to be set directly, they provide a function to specify the values. An example is the SoTransform node. This node can do many transformations and has to coordinate them, therefore setting values implies the execution of some functions.

This is how a translation is defined:

	SoTransform *mytrans = new SoTransform;
	mytrans->translation.setValue(1.5, 2.1, 3.3);


Even though C++ is an object oriented language there is a procedural part to it. A C++ program always starts by executing the function called main, where the environment is initialised and the first objects created.


A C++ program will look very different then a AutoLISP program. These are some of the new formalisms:

- every statement ends with: ;

- curly brackets are used to group code, i.e. a function or after an if-condition {}

- functions have the variables in round brackets fun(var1, var2, ...)

- the type of a variable has to be defined int a, float b, ...

- comments can start after // until the end of the line //

- several lines of comments can be enclosed by /* */

9.5 Compiling

9.5.1 Interpreted versus Compiled Programs

Interpreting a program means to take each statement of the code and execute it one at a time. Examples for interpreted languages are LISP, AutoLISP, and Basic. Compiling a program means to translate the program into a lower level, machine dependent language. The translation also optimises the program. Examples for languages that have to be compiled are FORTRAN, Pascal, C, and C++.

An advantage of a compiled program is that it will execute faster then an uncompiled one, because it is optimised for the machine it runs on. The process of compiling also includes the detection of certain errors, so called compile time errors. These can then be corrected before running the program and the number of remaining errors, runtime errors, reduced. A disadvantage is that the code cannot be read anymore and one needs the help of a debugging program to follow the execution of a compiled program.

9.5.2 What happens when a C++ Program gets Compiled

As C++ application always has to be compiled. The followings things happen during the process of compiling:

make is the command that starts the process defined in the file called Makefile, what happens can roughly be described as: check - compile - link.

9.6 Exercise 9 - Understand Inventor

The first exercises will help you to get to know Inventor's structure of nodes and their effects on the graphics. You will also look at a C++ program and compile it.

Copy the files from ausgabe/exercise09 to your exercise09 directory. The file HOWTO.Exercise9 holds the following instructions and some hints.

Editing in Gview

The Goal of this exercise is to get acquainted with the way Inventor handles and renders objects. Basically Inventor objects are stored in a hierarchical structure that is called a scenegraph, the single components of this structure are called nodes. Nodes are connected with paths. Some nodes have an influence on others some do not, a node can only have an influence on the ones following it though. There are basically three kinds of nodes which you are going to use, nodes that group other nodes, nodes that influence other nodes and nodes that protect other nodes from being influenced: What you will see now is the representation of your house on the left-hand side and its scenegraph on the right-hand side. Chose the arrow from the buttons on the right and double click on the different nodes to either get information about them, or expand them. Then try to play with the cut and paste commands. For example: Try to copy some of the nodes hidden under the bottom nodes up under the top node. Also try to change some of the values that appear when you double-click on a node.

Editing an iv-File

Hold down the right mouse button on the gview.iv-file and choose "edit" from the menu that appears to get the text version of the file. The text will look something like this:
	#Inventor V2.0 ascii
	Separator { 
Insert the following just beneath the line containing the first Separator command:
	TransformSeparator {
		Rotor {
		    rotation	0 0 -1  4.25412
		    speed	0.1
	Translation {
		   translation	30 30 70
	PointLight { }
Save the file, close the editor, open a shell, cd to exercise09 and write "gview gview.iv" to reopen gview and look at the components of the first node in the graph and try to understand what it is doing.

Looking at a C++ File and Compiling

How do you program a scenegraph with C++? It is fairly simple, first you have to create a top node, in our exercises this will be a SoSeparator node, then you add other nodes under this SoSeparator node. And finally you tell the viewer, you are using, which scenegraph it should show.

Look at the files example.iv and example.c++ with the text editor, they both create the same Scenegraph.

You can see the scene with the command: gview example.iv

To run the .c++ file you first have to compile it.



Hand in:

Please hand in an iv-file to ~prog/abgabe/exercise09/yourname09.iv.

And also a Makefile.log or Makedepend to ~prog/abgabe/exercise09yourname09.make.

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