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Kapitel 12
Programming and Architecture
There are many ideas for architectural design that existed as philosophical frameworks, but could not be applied easily with the traditional tools. 'Types and Instances' or 'Levels of Detail' are two examples. With the computer and the possibility to use programming languages to formulate concepts, many existing and new ideas became available for the architectural design process. Here some examples under the topics: Formalising Architecture, Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Architecture, will be presented

12.1 Formalising Architecture

12.1.1 Parameterized Prototypes

Parameterized prototypes can easily be formulated with an object oriented language. The important characteristics need to be described and the way to apply them with given parameters.

Four structural prototypes have been programmed at the chair for CAAD. Because of their architectural characteristics they were named after Le Corbusier, Rossi, Sterling, and Lerup. The instances of these prototypes always had correct dimensions for walls, roofs, columns, beams. The dimensions got calculated and checked, while the user defined parameters like size, material, and roof type.

Different instances of the Lerup prototype

12.1.2 Shape Grammars

Grammar in natural languages uses rules to define how words may be combined to form sentences. For design grammars relations between design elements are defined by rules in the form of: "if context_specification then design_decission".

Of particular interest are shape grammars, introduced by George Stiny in 1975. The development of shape grammars begins by specifying a vocabulary of 3D-forms or shapes. Then the rules to combine shapes are defined with spatial relations. In standard shape grammars the spatial relations between elements of shapes - their relative lengths and angles - are maintained in the shape rules. In parameterized shape grammars these relations are allowed to changed.

Shape grammars can be used to explore design languages as well as to discover rules underlying a set of related designs.

Shape grammar to design according to Richard Meier rules (Heng Jung Hsiung)

12.2 AI - Artificial Intelligence

12.2.1 Case-Based Reasoning

Case-based reasoning is often applied in the architectural design process. As an AI concept it means to simulate the reasoning of an expert, which is based on remembered cases. The motivation for such a method is to profit from good experiences and not to repeat bad ones. To be applicable for the reasoning process the cases have to be selected and analysed carefully. Also the process of adaptation of cases has to be formalised. A difficulty with case-based reasoning is that the memory for storing the cases is limited and that a high number of cases can slow down the process.

Buildings of Campi and Pessina have been used to build a case-based reasoning system at the chair of CAAD.

Buildings of Campi and Pessina have been used in this case-based reasoning system.

12.2.2 Genetic Algorithms

Darwin's theory about The Origin of Species on the Basis of Natural Selection was influential for the development of genetic algorithms. Genetic algorithm's start with a set of one or more individuals and apply selection and reproduction operators to evolve successful individuals, as measured by a fitness function.

Genetic algorithms have been applied to produce design, films, music and art.

Genetic images by Karl Sims at Thinking Machines

12.3 Virtual Architecture

Virtual reality widens the possibilities for architectural action a lot.

Virtual reality (VR) depends on computers to be displayed and to allow some interaction. Therefore virtual worlds and the possiblities for interaction always have to be described to a machine. Because VR is a new field, many ideas cannot yet be realised with a simple VR tool, but need to be formulated by writing a program.

12.3.1 Time and Space

In virtual reality not only objects are virtual, but also time. It is not linear anymore, one can move back and forward in time, speed time up or make it slower, and map time to form, or vice versa.

SCULPTOR: Form as a function of time

12.3.2 Show the Non-Real

In virtual reality things that could not exist in reality can be shown. Non-realistic features can be used to display additional information about realistic features. I.e.: Walls can become transparent to display the plumbing, parts can start to blink to draw the user's attention, foreign elements can show up to illustrate something.

VR is famous for evoking new sensations through displaying the unrealistic, which is as important a part of a virtual design as the realistic. Design in VR is architectural design, it is spatial and much more. Think of the extreme possibilities of VR, like: Walls can morph into landscapes, one can fly through solid parts, or the size of objects does ntot match with one's experience. Such ideas may sound scary, but if they are designed well, they allow new and interesting experiences.

A Jenny Holzer interpretation by Florian Wenz and his students

12.4 Exercise 12 - Add some Action

The final touch to your programming experience will be to add some action related to your object.

In the last exercise you created an object and inserted it in the scenegraph, when the object was selected it was simply lifted up into the air. This time you have to add a selection function to the program yourself, using your old object or creating a new one. You have to decide what changes this object should go through. In order to do this you

will have to change the "selectionAction"-function in "student.c++". If you want the object to be returned to its old state on deselection, all nodes that you insert have to be grouped under a separator or group node by the name of "_CHOSEN". If you want the change to be permanent you can insert a node anywhere under the top node of your object. The _CHOSEN node has to be inserted under all circumstances, whether it has an effect or not. Here are some ideas that could be explored:

There are a lot of possibilities. If you produce a node, which you would like to find again later, give it a special name. It is possible to create very complex object behaviour. As mentioned before the strength of Inventor is not only the modelling of objects but also the visualisation of concepts or ideas.

Copy parts from exercise 11 to exercise 12:

These are steps to copy the object from your previous exercise to this one: Now everything you had in exercise11 should be working, make the test by compiling and running it.

Program the action to be taken when clicking on your object

Hand in:

Please hand in three files, you can use the following commands:

cp student_bitmap.h ~prog/abgabe/exercise12/yourname_bitmap.h

cp student.h ~prog/abgabe/exercise12/yourname.h

cp student.c++ ~prog/abgabe/exercise12/yourname.c++


example1: ADDING TEXT non-permanently
	    // Choose a font
    SoFont *myFont = new SoFont;
	    // add a Seperator so that the translation is not applied 
	       to the object
    SoSeparator *infoSep = new SoSeparator;
	    // Translation so that the string is in front of the 
    SoTransform *infoTrans = new SoTransform;
	    // TEXT2 = screen alligned text, no change in size, no 
    SoText2 *infoText = new SoText2;
    infoText->string = "I'm a not chair";
example2: MOVE THE OBJECT permanently
	SoTransform *move = new SoTransform;
	selected->insertChild(move, 1);

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