
Sektion Umwelt, Nachhaltige Entwicklung, Raum (UNR; BFS)
Amt für Raumentwicklung (ARV) des Kanton Zürich
Amt für Verkehr des Kanton Zürich
Hochbauamt des Kantons Zürich
Statistik Stadt Zürich
Grün Stadt Zürich, Stadt Zürich
Amt für Städtebau, Stadt Zürich
Regional Planning Committees (RZU)
Zürcher Planungsgruppe Limmattal (ZPL)
Stadt Schlieren
Stadt Dietikon
Atelier 10:8
Foundation for Global Sustainability
Professur für Raumentwicklung, IRL, ETH Zürich
Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology, MeteoSwiss

The resulting collaboration platform will serve as an operative tool. It will support planners, architects, policy makers and concerned parties in assessing the conditions under which specific urban qualities have a good chance to achieve their environmental, social and economic goals. Knowledge transfer to these users will take place through stakeholder workshops where the results of the project will be disseminated and input for further work will be obtained.
Furthermore, the project will establish alliances with groups of policy-makers (federal and cantonal) and concerned parties in order to support the use of the project results.

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