M2: Any Form

M2:Links/Games in Processing

M2:Links/Games in Processing

http://kodev.wordpress.com/games/ http://nmccoy.net/category/games/ A snake follows mouse: http://processing.org/learning/topics/follow3.html A crazy version of Bouncing ball: http://ww5.freearcade.com/Pixie.jav/Pixie.html The second ever computer game : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2E9iSQfGdg The game book from our chair: http://wiki.caad.arch.ethz.ch/Research/SpaceTimePlay (links... Read More

M2:Student works/Review of 2nd Assingment-Interactive components

M2:Student works/Review of 2nd Assingment-Interactive components

The second day’s task was to create a set of Interactive components. Two options were to choose from. First – to design a set of 2D interavtive elements, whose parameters (e.g. dimensions, colour etc.) were dependent on mouse Events, the second – to design a screensaver: a set of elements in motion, with transformations of colours, geometry and position, according to predefined... Read More

M2:student works/Review of 1st Assignment- Recreation of the painting

M2:student works/Review of 1st Assignment- Recreation of the painting

One week of introduction to Processing- full day classes and a new exercise each day.During the first day, drawing and basic programming concepts (iterations and variables) were introduced. The day’s task was to choose a painting (by a favorite artist or by one of the artists proposed: Gustav Klimt, Paul Klee, Theo van Doesburg, Wassily Kandinsky and to recreate it with.... Read More

M2:Processing Resources

http://www.processing.org/learning/ http://www.generative-gestaltung.de/code http://www.openprocessing.org/ http://www.processing.arch.ethz.ch/pmwiki/pmwiki.php They are all concerned with much the same topics, and approach them from  slightly different angles. Most of the examples have extensive explanations and documentation. (from Michael Hansmeyer)  Read More

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