UCL Bartlett Workshop: Lectures by Ruairi Glynn

UCL Bartlett Workshop: Lectures by Ruairi Glynn

“We will talk only about machines with very simple internal structures, too simple in fact to be interesting from the point of view of mechanical or electrical engineering. Interest arises, rather, when we look at these machines or vehicles as if they were animals, in a natural environment. We will be tempted, then, to use psychological language in describing their behavior. And yet we know very well that there is nothing in these vehicles that we have not put there ourselves…“ “…It... Read More

M2:W1(Karsten Schmidt):Skype Meeting on Parametric Facade

M2:W1(Karsten Schmidt):Skype Meeting on Parametric Facade

The whole week’s work was to be completed with a parametric facade design for HPI biulding at ETH campus. The facade were to include both:the building’s surrounding and interior space functions. Students were divided into three working groups. Class and the concept of OOP were introduced. That gave an opportunity to design facade elements as instances of a single class or depending on the concept – several different classes. The last step was to produce and assemble... Read More

M2:W1(Karsten Schmidt) Day2: around OOP

M2:W1(Karsten Schmidt) Day2: around OOP

[slideshow] 09:00 –  12:00  | Lecture on ImageArray, Loading Fonts, Class and Objects (example with ‘Human’ Class) 13:40 – 18:00  | Using and Looking at Libraries, Particle based modelling processes, Catenary Mesh http://learn.postspectacular.com/hg/ETHZDay2/ (download ‘zip’) http://media.postspectacular.com/2010/toxiclibs/toxiclibs-complete-0020.zip (toxiclib library)  Read More

M2:W1(Karsten Schmidt) Day1: Processing Recap + Intro to 3D

M2:W1(Karsten Schmidt) Day1: Processing Recap + Intro to 3D

10:00 – 12:30 | Processing Basics Recap & Intro to 3D: checking the origin of some basic concepts, drawing a circle and manipulating various shapes out of it, playing with coordinate system(translate(); pushmatrix(); popmatrix();). 14:00 – 16:00 | An exercise on making 3D Shapes: some highschool math(pytagorian theorem etc.), drawing shpaes with vertex, memorizing previous array data, color coordinate systems. http://learn.postspectacular.com/hg/ETHZDay1/ (download... Read More

M2:15.11.2010/ Karsten Schmidt aka Toxi

M2:15.11.2010/ Karsten Schmidt aka Toxi

16:00 HIL E3 Karsten Schmidt aka Toxi, Postspectacular, London postspectacular.com < Code as the primary design tool > There was a presentation of various works done by processing and a positive discussion on open source based creation. Some ideas and citations from the presentation: “Technology as Landscape of Possibilities..” “You don’t need ideas, you need techniques.” “From Objects to Operations” “If you are not a programmer,... Read More

M2:Student works/Review of 3rd Assignment-Game

M2:Student works/Review of 3rd Assignment-Game

On the third day we stepped into the world of games. The task was to analyze a game (code) found on web and to create either a modification of it or a completely new game. Logicals, Events, simple Dynamics and two basic ways of introducing input data to games: Keyboard Event and Mouse Event were introduced.  Enjoy! STUDENT WORKS Agata Muszynska Hideaki Takenaga Jesper Thøger Christensen As an assignment to design a game from scratch in one day I were inspired by the classic... Read More

M2:Links/Games in Processing

M2:Links/Games in Processing

http://kodev.wordpress.com/games/ http://nmccoy.net/category/games/ A snake follows mouse: http://processing.org/learning/topics/follow3.html A crazy version of Bouncing ball: http://ww5.freearcade.com/Pixie.jav/Pixie.html The second ever computer game : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2E9iSQfGdg The game book from our chair: http://wiki.caad.arch.ethz.ch/Research/SpaceTimePlay (links from Hua Hao)  Read More

M2:Student works/Review of 2nd Assingment-Interactive components

M2:Student works/Review of 2nd Assingment-Interactive components

The second day’s task was to create a set of Interactive components. Two options were to choose from. First – to design a set of 2D interavtive elements, whose parameters (e.g. dimensions, colour etc.) were dependent on mouse Events, the second – to design a screensaver: a set of elements in motion, with transformations of colours, geometry and position, according to predefined rules. During the second day, functions, mouse interaction, arrays and conditionals were introduced.... Read More

M2:student works/Review of 1st Assignment- Recreation of the painting

M2:student works/Review of 1st Assignment- Recreation of the painting

One week of introduction to Processing- full day classes and a new exercise each day.During the first day, drawing and basic programming concepts (iterations and variables) were introduced. The day’s task was to choose a painting (by a favorite artist or by one of the artists proposed: Gustav Klimt, Paul Klee, Theo van Doesburg, Wassily Kandinsky and to recreate it with. The piece could be a variation of the artwork provided or a copy of it. For final codes and images,... Read More

M2:Processing Resources

http://www.processing.org/learning/ http://www.generative-gestaltung.de/code http://www.openprocessing.org/ http://www.processing.arch.ethz.ch/pmwiki/pmwiki.php They are all concerned with much the same topics, and approach them from  slightly different angles. Most of the examples have extensive explanations and documentation. (from Michael Hansmeyer)  Read More

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