End of Module Presentations


The conclusion of the first module brought about a map of concepts, based on the text of Deleuze&Gattari “The Geology of Morals”. The outcome is meant to have a contribution on the next modules, serving as an index, available for individual configurations.

Handbook for crying and singing

Stanislava Predojevic_Handbook for crying and singing from MASCAAD1112 on Vimeo.

Confessions and Statements

Soosalu Grete_Confessions and statements from MASCAAD1112 on Vimeo.

The Geology of Morals – Experimental Reading

Seppanen Teemu_The Geology of Morals-ExperimentalReading from MASCAAD1112 on Vimeo.

Any Novel

Milomir Radovanovic_Any novel from MASCAAD1112 on Vimeo.

The map as a method

Joze Martinez_The Map as a Method from MASCAAD1112 on Vimeo.

The Necessity of a Lobster

Diana Alvarez Marin_The necessity of a lobster from MASCAAD1112 on Vimeo.

‘God is a lobster’, the double articulation of content and expression, each of which has both substance and form. This double articulation of the lobster‐god implies both the condition that enables the analytic process that leads to a multiplicity and the structure ensuring the integration of this multiplicity. This implies then that God is both content and expression, process and result, being by this fact self‐caused. From this perspective the reference to a God appears as a representation of a motor or catalyser of a generative articulation process.

On the other hand, the ‘judgement of God’ appears as an atrophying of this creative process. Initially borrowed from Artaud, who denounced this judgement as a critique of alienation through capitalism, the ‘judgement of God’ also refers to the constitution of a organism, a frozen form that would block any further articulation processes, ending up into rigid evaluation structures and disappearance of any creative act.

A Thousand Plateaus

Chen Tianyi_A thousand Plateaus from MASCAAD1112 on Vimeo.


Pantazis Evangelos_Apocodicopoiesis from MASCAAD1112 on Vimeo.

The focal point of the analysis is the surplus of code,a singular phenomenon that is also referred as side communication. It is considered as the driving force that sets the spectrum that Deleuze and Guattari create into motion. A series of concepts that are linked to it are collected from the text and through their definitions (within the text) verbs that indicate action are being extracted. As a experimental “application” on the notion of double articulation, one of the key points of the text, antonyms of the verbs are further looked up. A lack of symmetry appears as some of the verbs are not double articulated in the text. This is performed intentionally, in my opinion, so as imply certain issues. The degree of abstraction in the whole text, enables a remapping of the mentioned notions nowadays. As a result, the analysis concludes with a series of questions. Video was chosen as the medium illustrate this analysis, where some direct allegories are transplanted from the text.

An Act of Faith

Orestis Argyropoulos_AN-ACT-OF-FAITH from MASCAAD1112 on Vimeo.

Different Realities

Miro Roman_Different realities from MASCAAD1112 on Vimeo.

Dismantling Hierarchies

Melina Mezari_DismantlingHierarchies from MASCAAD1112 on Vimeo.

Characterizing the Geology of Morals

Mauricio Rodriguez_Characterizing the Geology of morals from MASCAAD1112 on Vimeo.

Stratification, for Delleuze and Guattari, depicts the volatile states of being as a constant becoming and transformation. It alludes to an ontology of continuance and rupture. This processual epistemology could be used to describe creative processes and the transition of ideas into concepts, and concepts into matter. But this process could incorporate an ‘aparallel’ interaction with information systems and computation. Introducing these principles would allow to interpret, manage and operate on information and concepts equivalently. The hypothesis is that a similar approach could be taken with any defined language, when reduced to the abstract level of components and abilities.

Body Without Oragans Virtual

Ivana Damjanovic_BwOVirtual from MASCAAD1112 on Vimeo.

In work of Deleuze, the term ‘body without organs is in fact the plane of consistency which is the abolition of all metaphor; all that consists is Real’. Brian Massumi explains how ‘the plane of consistency’ pertains to the virtual and ‘the plane of organization’ to the actual, which is in fact a selective concretization of potential. For Deleuze and Guattari, every ‘actual’ body also has a ‘virtual’ dimension, a vast reservoir of potential traits, connections, affects, movements. This collection of potentials is what Deleuze calls the Body without Organs. To ‘make oneself a body without organs’, then, is to actively experiment with oneself to draw out and activate these virtual potentials. These potentials are mostly activated (or ‘actualized’) through conjunctions with other bodies (or BwOs) that Deleuze calls ‘becomings’. According to Massumi, the strategic value of the concept of the virtual lies in the fact that it has been a key term in both new media and philosophy. He explains that emergence of new media occurs as actualization of the virtual; hence new potentials have been discovered. So has emergence of cinematography, as a new media, derived as actualization of virtualities of the image, for example?

Ekaterina Ageeva_final presentation from MASCAAD1112 on Vimeo.


Daniel Rohlek_multiplicity from MASCAAD1112 on Vimeo.

Multiplicities are everywhere. Small scale and big scale multiplicities. It is just a matter of how close you look at them. Overlapping the notion of multiplicity of Henri Bergson with the one in Deleuze & Guattari’s ‘A Thousand Plateaus’, the project points out the interdependencies within a one-to-whole-relationship as well as the volatility of n-dimensional multiplicities.

Desiring Machines

Bojana Miskeljin_Desiring Machines from MASCAAD1112 on Vimeo.

5 minutes with the experts

Stelios Psaltis_5 minutes with the experts from MASCAAD1112 on Vimeo.

Becoming Animal

Stella Azariadi_Becoming animal from MASCAAD1112 on Vimeo.

The Answer

Yunying Chiu_The answer from MASCAAD1112 on Vimeo.

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