Category Archives: M2 Algorithmic Design / Fiction / Advanced Geometry Modelling

M2 Algorithmic Design / Fiction / Advanced Geometry Modelling

et voila….

Et voila…. the long awaited moment has come! The whole structure is at last fully assembled and self-standing! Continue reading

Nearing completion

After the end of the second module the labor towards a finished construction continued. The enthusiasm is still present! The working shifts had to be reorganized, since the next module has already started. Little by little the structure is realized by  teams comprized of three-four people . So, what’s next? The assembly of the roof . The last piece to be assempled and fitted  on the rest of the structure.  The goal?  To have the finished piece in place before christmass!

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From Dusk Till Dawn

One day before the extension period expires and the Kuka robot is working non stop. Apart from the opportunity to see the dawn in Schlieren campus, we are more than excited to see the final geometry coming to shape. The team seems to be tuned in the right work-flow… Continue reading

Schlieren update!


After a huge effort these last days, and the gradual overcoming of certain drawbacks that were constantly appearing, all teams worked hard together to prepare, cut, label and finally glue and assemble the bricks into the final pieces. Given the difficulties of building such complex shapes along with the lack of basic masonry skills we were only able to build half of the final design.  On Monday morning,  after pausing the robot for some hours to let the dust settle down and be able to clean up the Knochenhalle, the scheduled presentation took place.

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Hands On !

With the end of the competition and the beginning of the second week, the operations were transferred to the CAAD facilities in Schlieren , were the Kuka robot is situated. The team was introduced to the robot operations, had a first look on the material and made the first test pieces, incising an ytong block with a jigsaw attached to the Kuka’s arm. Continue reading

Competition entries

The design brief required a self standing structure specifically designed for our workspace  in the CAAD building. This should bring into play ideas on function and context, related to our conceptions of our working environment and ideas on materiality related to the distinctive  properties of the ytong blocks that were set as the building material. The design process should take into consideration the fabrication capabilities of the Kuka Robot and the great potentials opening up with the interplay between physical tools and computational processes. Continue reading

Brainstorming Day

The second module in the CAAD introduces a pragmatic approach to architectural design, bringing into play materiality, computation and fabrication. The day started with three lectures by Manuel Kretzer, Mathias Bernhard and Tom Pawlofsky, who gave the fundamental concepts and the main guidelines for the following four weeks. The design competition was handed over and a preliminary index of concepts was promptly composed on the floor.  Basic introduction to McNeel Rhino, Rhinoscript and Grasshopper will take place the following days to provide the necessary technical background in the design process.

Design & Production. A short introduction

The emergence of rapid prototyping and CNC fabrication techniques in the fields of design and architecture has erased the limits of physical construction and manufacturing. Nowadays forms and structures of so far unimaginable complexity cannot only be designed but also physically produced within the digital chain – and it’s not too utopian to predict that soon complete buildings can be digitally fabricated. This approach has led to an overflow of geometrical experiments and free form structures and may soon reach its aesthetic limits.
M2 design and production is looking for new strategies for the design of complex architectural forms. The module is focused on the relationship between design, various methods of (generative) computer modeling, the importance of materiality in the digital age and the physical representation of information using CAD/CAM devices.