ETH Zuerich - Startseite
Professur für CAAD



Von der Utopie zur Strategie


The seminar "From Utopia to Strategy: technology based urban systems for a global world" is contextualized within the relation between architecture, technology and society.

Facing global levels of this relation, we must realize a new point of both conceptual and technological departure: urban design projects, such as "The Dubai Palm" or "The Dubai World" demonstrates impressively that by using intelligent technology it is nearly at any time and at any place possible to have access to water and energy on an equal-zero-emission level. That generates a first concluding hypothesis: In view of our new point of departure and considering former concepts between architecture, technology and society which basically were developed during the time of the 60s and 70s of the 20th century, most of these techno-urban utopia seems now technically feasible. To accentuate the need for sustainable concepts in architecture, we will discuss the following three key questions: (i) how could the conceptual model of an innovative and sustainable urban system be designed in future? (ii) What could the technological framework of this urban model look like? (iii) What kind of society could be in line with such an urban structure?

Overall goal of the seminar is to investigate and elaborate innovate strategies linking sustainable conceptions, technological systems and theory of architectural/urban design.

For more information see seminar homepage

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