|  | digitalSTROM.org
Under the name "digitalSTROM.org" an alliance was created at ETH Zurich, with the goal to develop a worldwide standard for electrical intelligence. Basis for this is a new chip - developed with the collaboration of ETH Professor Ludger Hovestadt - a chip with a large potential for saving electricity. ...>>
 |  | CAAD researcher named as a Forum Nokia Champion
Steffen P. Walz, pervasive game design researcher at ETH Zurich's chair for CAAD, has been named a member of Forum Nokia Champion, a recognition and reward program for top mobile developers worldwide. Forum Nokia Champions are a select group of outstanding individuals, honored because of their skills and devotion to the Forum Nokia community.
 |  | Best Paper Award at PST 2006!
The program committee of 'Privacy, Security and Trust' selected "Privacy in Video Surveilled Areas" as best paper for the 2006 conference. The paper presented the results of the collaboration of CAAD and Computer Vision Lab.
 |  | CAAD helps to reinvent Appenzell dulcimer
[05.07.2006] In cooperation with a traditional dulcimer maker and a CNC-manufacturer, the Chair of CAAD reinventend Switzerland's most traditional instrument: According to the designs of dulcimer player Fredi Zuberbühler the Chair developed the geometry and CNC-data for frame and tops of the arched resonance body.
 |  | Nokia Research sponsors tourist game REXplorer
Steffen P. Walz from the chair for CAAD, the Media Computing Group at RWTH Aachen University (Prof. Jan Borchers, Tico Ballagas), and non-profit multimedia museum Regensburg Experience are currently developing a location based mobile sightseeing game for tourists visiting Germanys best preserved medieval city, Regensburg.
Nokias Game Design Research Group at the Nokia Research Center in Tampere, Finland, have agreed to sponsor the development and operation of the game with handsets and Symbian software development kits. REXplorer will be the first permanently installed pervasive game worldwide, featuring novel cell phone interactions such as situated gesture recognition.
 |  | blue-c-ii Milestone Meeting
The semestral meeting of the chairs participating in the blue-c-ii research project was held on 25th November 2005. Eigth PhD students showed their research results and deliveries for the next milestone were announced. Torsten Spindler and Odilo Schoch presented the work completed at the Chair of CAAD.
 |  | Create Your Own Neighbourhood
On 15. and 16. of September 2001 the exhibition 'Heilige Huusjes' took place in the Nederlands Architecture Instituut in Rotterdam. In a live demonstration of the KAISERSROT software for dynamic urban planning our CAAD-team allowed the visitors of the exhibition to participate in the design process of a new village.
 |  | CAAD Konsensmaschine informs Papierwerdareal
22.10.2004 ETH-Tagung: ARCHITEKTURBRENNPUNKTE Papierwerdareal.
Our CAAD-Team participated in a competition for the redesign of "Globus Provisorium", Papierwerdareal, Zürich.
We presented the Konsensmaschine - a dynamic layout generator.
 |  | Gliederfüsser
The construction of the arthropod complies with a kinetic model that consists of two segments. Every segment is made of the minimalized in the course of evolution movement instruments = leg+leg. Every leg complies four triangles that are combined together by "virtual muscles". Every movement of the arthropod´s construction results from the sucsessive up-coming tensions and relaxations of the muscles. In the configuration process, the gravitation as well as the friction forces are not going to be calculated within. The form is being in the everlasting movement. Every form of the arthropod´s construction - that is being generated later - must be bounded to the previous one.
 |  | Digital Doorsign for Lecture Hall of the Future
Within the CAAD's research project "ETHWOrld - Lecture Hall of the future" an impressive demonstration of networking physical space and distant data-bases was done. Thus showing the great possibilities of of digitally networked buildings. A software-prototype developed by CAAD backs on real ETH databases.
 |  | CAAD visits Ubicomp'05
Phd students Steffen P. Walz and dilo Schoch joined this years Ubicomp Conference in Tokyo, Japan. Both found vast possibilities to discuss current streams of ubiquitous computing as their year-long interest is on pervasive games in real world respectively on computer integrated architecture. The poster on ‘Serious Bioplay: A Computer Integrated Building Service Game applying psycho-physiological Input’ was presented.
 |  | Video Tracking
For various services in a building it is advantageous to monitor a persons whereabouts and sometimes even a track of the persons movement. For a doctoral thesis CAAD collaborates on use of a video tracker with the Computer Vision Lab (http://www.vision.ee.ethz.ch/).
 |  | Building the Stadsbalkon
The construction work for the Groningen Stadsbalkon has finally started. Almost two years after a cooperation between Kees Christiaanse Architects & Planners (KCAP) and the CAAD chair lead to the final design of the huge bicycle garage, a big hole has been excavated in front of the main station of the Dutch city of Groningen.
 |  | MedienArchitekturGeschichte
Since the beginning of the 20th century concepts of architecture and space were influenced by new media technologies. These developements are the topic of a research project and a publication at the chair of CAAD.
 |  | blue-c-ii milestone meeting
On Tuesday 10th of May the blue-c-ii members gathered, presented and discussed their progress. The blue-c-ii project is on video and especially 3D video.
 |  | Villa Garbald
ETH Zurich's own conference Hotel 'Villa Garbald' was retrofitted with digital networked building and media services under the direction of the Chair of CAAD. Almost all components like like control and conference technology are digitally networked using Internet Standard - a novel and successful approach.
 |  | The Red Hell
The Red Hell - a prototype for research and education in building automation and multimedia integration into daily life.
 |  | Spatial Cognition in Architecture
Architectural spaces influence and modulate our existence and everyday behavior on a number of various ways. When we navigate through built environment, and interact with it, we are continuously involved in the processing of spatial information. We discover architectural shapes and layouts literally step by step. But how are we able to navigate within complex built environments, learn of architectural layouts, and explore multifaceted buildings effortlessly?
 |  | Geisterreich
Und mich ergreift ein längst entwöhntes Sehnen
Nach jenem stillen, ernsten Geisterreich,
Es schwebet nun in unbestimmten Tönen
Mein lispelnd Lied, der Äolsharfe gleich,
Ein Schauer faßt mich, Träne folgt den Tränen,
Das strenge Herz, es fühlt sich mild und weich;
Was ich besitze, seh ich wie im Weiten,
Und was verschwand, wird mir zu Wirklichkeiten.
 |  | Die Seelen
Sie hören nicht die folgenden Gesänge,
Die Seelen, denen ich die ersten sang;
Zerstoben ist das freundliche Gedränge,
Verklungen, ach! der erste Widerklang.
Mein Lied ertönt der unbekannten Menge,
Ihr Beifall selbst macht meinem Herzen bang,
Und was sich sonst an meinem Lied erfreuet,
Wenn es noch lebt, irrt in der Welt zerstreuet.
 |  | Lieb und Freundschaft
Ihr bringt mit euch die Bilder froher Tage,
Und manche liebe Schatten steigen auf;
Gleich einer alten, halbverklungnen Sage
Kommt erste Lieb und Freundschaft mit herauf;
Der Schmerz wird neu, es wiederholt die Klage
Des Lebens labyrinthisch irren Lauf,
Und nennt die Guten, die, um schöne Stunden
Vom Glück getäuscht, vor mir hinweggeschwunden.