|  | Connected Real Estate
conditioning and power consumption were regulated according to
the number of people in the building? How much additional value
could building owners generate if they had a more accurate picture
of the way their services were being consumed and could charge
tenants accordingly?
 |  | MAS pump up my chair
As a successful conclusion of the module "metal works" our MAS -students pumped up furniture design classics with water pressure. The objects were drawn in CAD software, cut with the CNC laser and manually welded together.
 |  | SaloneSatellite
Furniture fair Milano 2007
Thank you for your interest and attendance at our stand at the furniture fair Milano in the SaloneSatellite. (http://www.cosmit.it) We are pleased if our presentation suits you. We like to make these information available as a press statement.
 |  | Seminarwoche
Die diesjährige Seminarwoche der Professur für CAAD wird durch einen eingeladenen Künstler konzipiert und durchgeführt. Das gestaltete Ergebnis wird während der Seminarwoche mit modernen CAD/CAM Technologien in der Digitalwerkstatt hergestellt und montiert. Ziel ist es den dort installierten Schneidplotter für die Fertigung zu verwenden ...>>
 |  | Caad goes Swissbau
From 23. until 27. january 2007, the chair of Caad explains the "digital chain" with the ‘Neue Monte Rosa Hütte’ Project at the Swissbau in Basel, the trade fair of the Swiss building industry. A first 1:1 prototyp of a Monte Rosa room will be exhibited. Infoevent at the 24. January 2007, 18h, Halle 1, Stand B 99.
 |  | "Camera Obscura" inauguration in Trondheim
[11.12.2006] On a prominent public space in the former harbour area of Trondheim an accessible "Camera Obscura" was inaugurated on Sat 09.12. The timber construction explores the full potential of automated joinery machines. The structure was designed and built by students of NTNU Trondheim. Fabian Scheurer and Christoph Schindler from the Chair of CAAD supported the course with their knowledge on computer aided manufacturing.
 |  | Exhibition: Group Thesis: MAS CAAD 2005/06
Exhibition: october 6 – october 17, 2006 | ETH-Hönggerberg Zurich, HIL ground floor, zone D30
Vernissage: september 5, 2006 at 6.00 pm
An experimental construction is on exhibition. It chronicles the research, experimentation, and development undertaken by the postgraduate students in Computer Aided Architectural Design (CAAD) 2005/06. Within a three months period, the participants designed, programmed, and fabricated an irregular spatial structure, showing the potential of the „digital chain“; the entirely digital process from design through to production.
 |  | eCAADe06 | CAAD is presenting 4 papers
The chair for CAAD is presenting four papers at the eCAADe06 - Communicating Spaces(s) | 06.-09.09.06 in Volos - Greece.
Pia Fricker, Odilo Schoch and Oskar Zieta are presenting the work of the chair at the 24th Conference on Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe. The papers are covering research-, teaching projects and case studies.
 |  | caad.designtoproduction wins Xaver.06 Award
[23.08.2006] For their contribution to the exhibition "Inventioneering Architecture" the research group "designtoproduction" at the Chair of CAAD wins at Xaver.06 a Special Award for Custom Design
 |  | Pervasive game project REXplorer on German TV
[21.07.2006] REXplorer is a one hour long smartphone and location based sightseeing game, the first permanent service of its kind worldwide, projected by doctoral students Steffen P. Walz (ETH Zurich) and Tico Ballagas (RWTH Aachen). Today, REXplorer - which will be launched in the fall of 2006 - made the news on almost every German TV channel.
REXplorer is a joint project between the Erlebnismuseum Regensburg Experience, our CAAD chair at the ETH Zurich, and the Media Computing Group at RWTH Aachen. This ongoing research project is sponsored by the Swiss National Science Foundation NCCR MICS, Nokia Research Center Finland, T-Mobile Deutschland GmbH, and Buschhoff Stanztechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Köln.
 |  | Bach Heiden awarded for cooperation with CAAD
[05.07.2006] For developing digital production chains in cooperation with the Chair of CAAD, the carpentry Bach Heiden was awarded with "KMU Primus", a prize given by St. Galller Kantonalbank
 |  | UKUUG Linux Conference
At the University of Sussex in Brighton the UKUUG 2006 Linux Technical Conference took place. CAAD pariticipated with a talk on a Privacy Enhancement System by Torsten Spindler.
 |  | CAAD joins Monte Rosa project team
A project group at the CAAD Chair joins Andrea Deplazes' Studio Monte Rosa. The Monte Rosa project is a mountain cabin for the Swiss Alpine Club SAC. Project goal is a total cost saving of 20% and integration of research on digital production chains. CAAD will optimize the floor-area/bed ratio and develop a wooden construction that can be manufacterd on computer aided machines. The building is to be realized in 2007. More info here.
 |  | CAAD at Euro. Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks
In cooperation with Teco (Karlsruhe) and Particle Computer, CAAD presents a live demonstration of smart area monitoring wihtin and around buildings. Using the small digital sensors uParts, ETH Zurich's ETZ building (the workshops venue place) is monitored by 35 sensors. The demonstration is part of CAAD's Building IP research within 'pervasive computing'. The teamwork was done by Odilo Schoch, Christoph Wartmann (both ETH Zurich), and David Garces, Abert Krohn (both ParticleComputer?) and Christian Decker (Teco). The conference takes place in Zurich from Feb. 13th until 15. 2006.
 |  | Kritik der Kritik - eine Podiumsdiskussion
Der AAA des D-ARCH der ETH Zürich veranstaltet am Freitag, 27. Januar 2006 um 17.00 Uhr im Foyer des HIL Gebäudes an der ETH Hönggerberg eine Podiumsdiskussion mit dem Thema: "Kritik der Kritik".
Referenten: Christin Kempf, Architektin | Marius Babias, Kurator | Andreas Ruby, Architekturkritiker
 |  | Ludger Hovestadt at Zurich's Tweakfest 2005
Regarding current cultural and technological aspects in our society, the Tweakfest 2005 covers the point of intersection between informationtechnology, digital art, entertainment electronics and design. The Chair of CAAD, as one of the most innovative research labs for architecture and information in Europe, is represented by Ludger Hovestadt, who will give a public lecture at November, 9th.
 |  | Jahresausstellung Department Architektur 2005
The use of CNC fabrication machining was the focus for the final module of this year’s postgraduate course. For this module participants were asked to investigate issues of design and fabrication using digital production, while being limited to one material – structural plate steel.
 |  | Call for Papers: DCC'06 Eindhoven
The second international conference on DESIGN COMPUTING AND COGNITION (DCC'06) will take place from 10-12 July 2006 in Eindhoven, Holland. Submission for papers is due on 11 November 2005.
 |  | eCAADe 05 - paper on teaching the digital chain
This week at the eCAADe 05 conference in Lisbon, Portugal, CAAD-member Odilo Schoch will present his paper on a successful approach in teaching caad and the use of state-of-the art caad-technologies in postgraduate architectural education.
 |  | Exhibition: Group Thesis: MAS CAAD 2004-05
Exhibition: september 30 – october 14, 2005 | ETH-Hönggerberg Zurich, HIL ground floor, zone D30
Vernissage: september 30, 2005 at 6.30 pm
An experimental construction is on exhibition. It chronicles the research, experimentation, and development undertaken by the postgraduate students in Computer Aided Architectural Design (CAAD) 2004-05. Within a three months period, the participants designed, programmed, and fabricated an irregular spatial structure, showing the potential of the „digital chain“; the entirely digital process from design through to production.
 |  | Changing Boundaries
The international symposium "Changing Boundaries. Architectural history in transition" took place in Paris, August 31st - September 4th 2005. It was organised by l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art (INHA, Paris) and Society of Architectural Historians (SAH, Chicago). "The meeting aims to bring together scholars working both in architectural history and in adjacent fields for three days of discussions on the current state of the discipline and on its emerging concerns."
The Chair of CAAD was represented at the conferences by Susanne Schumacher. She gave a talk about some aspects of her research topics. The title of her lecture was "Order of Columns revisited. XML in the History of Art and Architecture".
 |  | Job Offer: Assistant Professor in Sydney
Prof. John Gero at the Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition in Sydney/AUS is seeking a full-time lecturer to join his team from Feb. 2006 on. PhD? required.
 |  | Symposium on Privacy and Security
For the tenth time the symposium was held at ETH. Topics from information security in corporate contexts, genetic and biometric data gathering of persons and an outlook on privacy and security in 2015 were given. Speakers from many different backgrounds underline the symposiums interdisciplinary approach.
 |  | ASCAAD2006 - Second Call for Papers
The Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD) has announced the second call for papers for their next conference, which will be hosted by the School of Architecture and Design at the American University of Sharjah (UAE) from 25 until 27 April, 2006. The deadline for submitting abstracts is Sept. 15, 2005.
 |  | Rearrangement of CAAD Office completed
The rearrangement of our office has been completed. This was a necessary step to keep up with the growing number of teachers, researchers and PHD's at our chair.
 |  | CAADRIA 2006: Call for Papers
The first call for papers for the 4th international CAADRIA conference has been issued. The conference organised by the Association for Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) will take place from March 31 until April 2 2006 in Kumamoto, Japan. Deadline for abstract submission is October 2, 2005.
 |  | CAAD goes California
For "inventioneering architecture", an exhibition on Swiss architecture schools, the Chair of CAAD developed a wooden exhibition platform. The struture consists of 1000 different beams resembling a simplified section of the Swiss Alps. It will be on display in San Francisco in October 2005.
 |  | CAAD cooperates with Daniel Libeskind
The chair of CAAD will develop a computer aided manufacturing tool for a sculpure designed by Daniel Libeskind. The architect and the client had been searching all over the world to find someone who could help them constructing the complex structure.
 |  | HVD - video cross four
SONY HDR-FX1 HD Digital Camcorder - The Sony Handycam HDR-FX1 is the world's first consumer 1080i high-definition camcorder.
 |  | CAAD at the SWISSBAU'05 fair
The latest results of the CAAD chair's research and educational projects were presented in a special exhibition named "The Digital Chain" at the SWISSBAU'05 fair in Basel.