Pervasive game project REXplorer on German TV

Playtesters of REXplorer being interviewed by a TV reporter
REXplorer is a one hour long smartphone based sightseeing game, the first permanent service of its kind worldwide. The game is a joint project between the Erlebnismuseum Regensburg Experience, our CAAD chair at the ETH Zurich, and the Media Computing Group at RWTH Aachen. This ongoing research project is sponsored by the Swiss National Science Foundation NCCR MICS, Nokia Research Center Finland, T-Mobile Deutschland GmbH, and Buschhoff Stanztechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Köln.
Today, REXplorer - which will be launched in the fall of 2006 - made the news on almost every German TV channel.
REXplorer main creators, doctoral students and research assistants Steffen P. Walz (ETH Zurich) and Tico Ballagas (RWTH Aachen), commented: "We are really happy and awed that our game receives this kind of broad media exposure before it has even launched. That seems promising."
Find more information at the game's websites:
RWTH Aachen:
Erlebnismuseum Regensburg Experience GmbH: