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Professur für CAAD


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Caad Teaching

Bachelor of Architecture: CAAD II ss07

Master of Advanced Studies
in Architecture, CAAD

Programmieren statt Zeichnen

Graustufen - Ein Atlas
Schweizer Wohngebäude als XML Daten

DWF- Denken in Systemen:
In Collaboration with the Technical University Vienna



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Georg Vrachliotis graduated from the School of Architecture, Media and Design at the Berlin University of Arts. Georg studied also at the Institute of Philosophy, Theory of Science and History of Science and Technology, at the Technical University Berlin, but completed his diploma degree in architecture. As an architect Georg gained working experience in various architectural offices. To established his interest in linking architecture to theory and history of science and technology, he collaborated with researchers from disciplines, such as history of arts, geography, mathematics, artificial intelligence, philosophy or cognitive science. As an architectural reviewer he is involved in various projects and has been visiting researcher at the University of Bremen, the University of Freiburg, and the University of California at Berkeley. leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer   Georg received several research fellowships, conference scholarships and travel grants, e.g. from the Stanford University Spring Symposium, the ETH Erich-Degen Foundation or the ETH Faculty of Architecture. Since 2003 Georg holds a position as a research associate and teaching assistant at the Chair for Computer-Aided Architectural Design ETH Zurich, where he is working, teaching and publishing on architecture theory, history and theory of technology and science in architecture, as well as design theory.
Currently, he holds a position as a guest lecturer at the Department for Architecture Theory, Technical University Vienna, where he founded the research group TechnikundTheorie in 2007 together with Oliver Schürer.

ETH Zurich
Georg Vrachliotis
Faculty of Architecture
Computer-Aided Architectural Design
HIL E 15.1
Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 1
8093 Zurich, Switzerland

+41 1 633 40 37 phone
+41 1 633 10 50 fax


Technical University Vienna, Department of Architecture Theory

  • 2007 Fall Seminar: coming soon

ETH Zurich, Chair for Computer-Aided Architectural Design

  • 2007 Spring Seminar: DenkeninSystemen",
    Diplomwahlfach, CAAD / Architecture Theory, ETH Zurich

  • 2006 Spring Seminar: CAAD narrative,
    Bachelor of Architecture, CAAD / Theory of Technology, ETH Zurich

  • 2005 Spring Seminar: Cognitive Concepts of Space,
    a project collaboration with the Chair for Urban Design,
    Prof. Kees Christiaanse, CAAD / Urban Design / Theory of Design, ETH Zurich

  • 2002/2003 Fall Seminar: Model and Reality: Philosophy of Space,
    College of Architecture, Media and Design, University of Arts Berlin

  • 2002/2003 Fall Seminar: Architecture Theory and the Computer ,
    College of Architecture, Media and Design, University of Arts Berlin

  • 1998-2000 Research and Teaching Assistent,
    College of Architecture, Media and Design, University of Arts Berlin

Research Publications

Book chapter

  • Vrachliotis, G. (to appear spring 2007). Game of Life - Architecture, complexity, and the idea of nature as a game
    in: von Borries, F., Walz, S.P. Brinkman, U., Böttger, M., Space, Time, Play. Games, Architecture, and Urbanism, Birkhäuser Verlag.

  • Bertel, S., Vrachliotis, G., Freksa, C. (2007), Aspect-based building design - Specifications for
    Computer-Aided approaches of spatial constraint solving. in: (Ed.) Allen, G. Applied Spatial Cognition,
    Lawrence Earlbaum Publisher

  • Vrachliotis, G. & Scheurer, F. (2006). Theory and application of biological inspired
    Computer-Aided Architectural Design, Game-Set-Match: On Computer Games, Advanced
    Geometries and Digital Technologies, Episode Publishers

  • Hölscher, C., Meilinger, T., Vrachliotis, G., Brösamle, M., & Knauff, M. (2004). 'Finding the Way Inside:
    Linking Architectural Design Analysis and Cognitive Processes', International Conference Spatial
    Cognition 2004
    , Chiemsee. In:Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, Berlin

  • Bertel, S., Freksa, C., & Vrachliotis, G., (2004). 'Aspectualize and Conquer in Architectural Design',
    in: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference Visual and Spatial Reasoning in Design at MIT,
    Cambridge. In: J. Gero, B. Tversky, & T. Knight (Eds.), Visual and Spatial Reasoning in Design III
    (pp. 255-279). Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition, Sydney

Conferences / in Collaboration / Consulting

  • C. Hölscher, M. Brösamle, and G. Vrachliotis. Challenges in Multi-level Wayfinding: A Case-study with Space Syntax technique. (accepted) The Space Syntax and Spatial Cognition workshop at Spatial Cognition Conference 2006, September 25 2006, Bremen, Germany.

  • Vrachliotis, G. (2006, in progress). From rational to generative design, in Proceedings of the Workshop
    Spatial Cognition: Specialization and Integration, Schloss Dagstuhl, International Research Center
    for Computer Science, Symposium Nr. 05491

  • Hölscher, C., Vrachliotis, G. Broesamle, M. (2006). Design Cognition meets Wayfinding Cognition,
    2nd International Conference on Design, Computation, and Cognition 2006, Eindhoven

  • Hölscher, C., Meilinger, T., & Vrachliotis, G. (2005). Wayfinding in Complex Buildings:
    Cognition, Architecture, Environment. 6th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology,
    Bochum, Germany, September 19-21

  • Hölscher, C., Meilinger, T., Vrachliotis, G. (2005). Maps, Room Numbers and Wayfinding Strategies
    Investigations in a Vertically Complex Building, poster at the Conference for
    Spatial Information Theory, Ellicotville, NY

  • Hölscher, C., Meilinger, T., Vrachliotis, G., Brösamle, M., Maier, B. (2004). 'Wayfinding in the
    Heinrich-Lübcke Haus','Real, Mental and Virtual Space',
    Interdisciplinary Colleg at Günne at Lake Möhne, Germany

  • Höscher, C., Meilinger, T., Vrachliotis, G., Brösamle, M., & Knauff, M. (accepted for publication). Up the Down Staircase: Wayfinding Strategies and Multi-Level Buildings. Journal of Environmental Psychology.

Book reviews

  • Vrachliotis, G. (to appear 2006). Urbane Perspektiven. Book review: Stadt als Perspektive. Zur Konstuktion urbaner Räume. (Eds. Timon Beyes, Holm Keller, Daniel Libeskind), Hatje Cantz Verlag, Arch+, Journal for Architecture
    and Urban Planning, Aachen

  • Vrachliotis, G., (to appear 2007). Die konstruierte Welt: Ein architektonischer Blick auf Entwicklungen
    des Raumbegriffs in Kognitions-und Computerwissenschaften, Arch+, Journal for Architecture
    and Urban Planning, Aachen

  • Vrachliotis, G., (2006). Raum und Vorstellung von Raum. Book review: Imaginäne Architekturen
    Raum und Stadt als Vorstellung (Eds. Geiger, Hennecke, Kempf) Arch+, No 177,
    Journal for Architecture and Urban Planning, Aachen

  • Vrachliotis, G., (2004). 'Kognitive Topologien', Arch+, No 171,
    Journal for Architecture and Urban Planning, Arch+ Verlag, Aachen

  • Vrachliotis, G., (2004). 'Ist Denken Bauen', Conference review Intelligente Architektur,
    Journal for Architecture and Technology, Koch Verlag, Stuttgart

Research Visits

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
    Fall 2005

  • University of California at Berkeley,
    Spring 2005

  • University of Freiburg,
    Spring 2004

  • University of Bremen, Institut for Cognitive Systems,
    Winter 2003

Participated Seminars

  • 2006/07: 1968, History and Theory of Architecture, Prof. Akos Moravanszky, ETH

  • 2006/07: "Philosophy of Science", Dept. of Philosophy, Prof. Michael Hagner, ETH

  • 2006/07: "Philosophy of Mathematics", Dept. of Philosophy, Prof. Michael Hampe, ETH

  • 2006: "Theory, Experiment, Simulation", Dept. of Philosophy, Prof. Michael Hampe, ETH

  • 2006: "Introduction to the History of Science", Dept. of Science studies, Prof. Michael Hagner, ETH

  • 2004/05: "Embodied Intelligence", Artificial Intelligence Laboratoy, Prof. Rolf Pfeifer, University of Zurich

Organization and Events

  • Curator for the panel discussion "Copypaste"
    (with Ole W. Fischer, Pia Fricker, Martina Voser, Anouk Benon), May 2006.
    Sponsord by the ETH Faculty of Architecture.

  • Curator for the panel discussion "Critic?"
    (with Ole W. Fischer, Pia Fricker, Martina Voser, Maria Vine), January 2006.
    Sponsord by the ETH Faculty of Architecture.

  • Reviewer and Program Commitee, Workshop 'The Cognitive Approach to Modelling Environments",
    International Conference on GIScience 2006, Muenster, 20-23 Sept. 2006

  • Invited talk, Schloss Dagstuhl: International Research Center for Computer Science, Symposium Nr. 05491

  • Invited talk, University of Freiburg, Germany, July 2004

  • Co-leader, Workshop discussion 'Diagrams in problem solving', Stanford Spring Symposium, Palo Alto 2005

  • Co-chair, Workshop Mental Conceptions of Emergent Spaces in Architectural Design, DCC Conference 2004, MIT

Research Grants

  • IKEA Award for the AAA Symposium Organization 2006, together with Ole W. Fischer, Martina Voser, Pia Fricker

  • ETH/MIT Travel Grant, sponsored by the ETH Faculty of Architecture, Fall 2005

  • Conference Scholarship, American Association of Artificial Intelligence, Stanford Spring Symposium 2005

  • Conference Scholarship, International Conference Spatial Cognition 04, Oktober 2004

  • Conference Scholarship, International Interdisciplinary College 04,
    sponsored by Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, March 2004

  • Research Grant, sponsored by Cognitive Systems/SFB TR8 Spatial Cognition,
    University of Bremen, and the German Academic Exchange Program (DAAD)

  • Research Grant, sponsored by the Centre for Cognitive Science Freiburg, Germany

  • ETH Ph.D.-Research Grant, sponsored by Faculty of Architecture, 2005/06

  • ETH Ph.D.-Research Grant, sponsored by Chair of CAAD, Winter 2004/Spring 2005

  • Theses Award, University of the Arts Berlin, Winter 2002

Architectural Practice

  • 1999 Kraft-Wehberg Architects, Berlin


  • Member of the Architects Register Netherlands, SBA (Stichting bureau architectenregister)

  • Member of the AAA Assistenten und Assistentinnen des Departments Architecture, ETH Zurich.

Links and Collaborations

History and Theory of Architecture, ETH Zurich
Chair for Science Studies, ETH Zurich
Chair for History of Technology, ETH Zurich

Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, University of Zurich

Institute for History, Theory and Critisicm in Architecture and Art, MIT
Institute for History of Science and Technology, MIT
Design and Computation Group, MIT

Algorithmic Architecture, GSD Harvard
Faculty of Architecture, UC Berkeley

Institut of Cognitive Systems, University of Bremen
Center of Cognitive Science, University of Freiburg

Harvard Hellenic Society
Hellenic Student Association of MIT

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