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karsten droste
professur fuer caad
eth hoenggerberg
hil e15.1
ch-8093 zuerich
phone +41 1 63 340 33
fax +41 1 63 310 50
- study of computer science at the university of kaiserslautern
- working as consultant and trainer since 1995
- since 2001 at chair of computer aided architectural design
fields of activity
- research in progress (phd): simulation framework
- class: programmieren statt zeichnen
- surveying/consulting computer science
related research projects
personal stuff
- likes: history, unix, gaming, go
- dislikes: accounting, crippleware, soap operas
Revision r1.16 - 05 Oct 2005 - 09:55 - KarstenDroste Parents: TWikiUsers
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