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Bachelor of Architecture: CAAD II ss07

Master of Advanced Studies
in Architecture, CAAD

Programmieren statt Zeichnen

Graustufen - Ein Atlas
Schweizer Wohngebäude als XML Daten

DWF- Denken in Systemen:
In Collaboration with the Technical University Vienna



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markus_braach.gif   "programming will be the key to the new architecture of the information age"

Markus Braach, Dipl.-Ing. Architect

Markus Braach studied achitecture at the university of Kaiserslautern in the 90s. As a student he worked in different offices on design and visualization of architecture competitions. Due to his knowledge of several programming languages he became a member of the research group for media experimental design (MEXE). This research project, that was initiated by Prof. Dr. Bernd Streich and supervised by Oliver Fritz, was focused on finding new ways of using computer technology in the design process. Inspired by self-organizing principles in our natural environment, like flocking behaviour, Markus Braach developed computer programmes to generate structures, forms and processes that resemble urban and architectural design. In 2000 Markus finished his MEXE projects with his diploma work 'Formfindung durch diskrete Systeme', supervised by Professor Dr. Ludger Hovestadt and Prof. Markus Neppl. Together with Oliver Fritz and Prof. Dr. Ludger Hovestadt, he started the project 'Kaisersrot', a cooperation with Kees Christiaanse Architects and Planners, taking the ideas of the research to real urban planning projects. In the end of 2000 Markus started as an assistant at ETH Zuerich and helped to establish Prof. Dr. Hovestadt's new leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer   Chair for Computer-Aided Architectural Design (CAAD). In his teaching activities Markus presented the ideas of programming and design to the students. In different courses he taught scripting languages like Flash Actionscript, Vectorscript, MAYA embedded language, XML/XSLT, SQUEAK and Java. Besides the main aspect, self-organization and adaptive structures, other courses were dealing with different topics like parametric design, mass customization, computer aided manufacturing and reorganization of historical data. With his dissertation work centered on Computer Aided Urban Design, Markus collaborates with architects like KCAP, Herzog and de Meuron and Sauerbruch Hutton. By optimizing urban planning processes, building layout, shapes and construction in real architectural projects, the results of his research were verified and improved and never lost the focus on reality. When in 2005 Markus worked with the Chairs' designtoproduction team, producing milling code out of computer generated structures, his programming work finally covers the whole range of scales from the urban plan to the construction detail.

Markus Braach CV
  • geboren in biedenkopf / de (1971)
  • 1991-2000 architekturstudium universität kaiserlautern
  • mitarbeiter medienexperimentelles entwerfen universität kaiserslautern
  • freie diplomarbeit 2000: formfindung durch diskrete systeme
  • freie mitarbeit 1998-2000: av1 architekten, as-plan
  • 1999-2000 mitbegründer union studio für filmkunst kaiserslautern
  • seit 2000 assistent caad-arch-eth-zürich
  • Phd.: adaptive systems in spatial layout design
  • kaisersrot in Zusammenarbeit mit Kees Christiaanse Architects and Planners (KCAP)
  • CAUD Computer Aided Urban Design
  • shadow calculation
  • urban design
    • 2005 housing optimization in collaboration with Losinger AG, Zürich
    • 2004-2005 layout generation for 1000 Units in Heerhugoward,NL in collaboration with KCAP, Rotterdam and Karres en Brands, Hilversum
    • 2003 HB Zürich in collaboration with KCAP, Rotterdam
    • 2003 case study for Kehlbach,AUT
    • 2003 case study for Madestein,NL
    • 2003 layout generation for 100 Units in Schuitgraph,NL in collaboration with KCAP, Rotterdam
    • 2001 interactive Kaisersrot exhibition at NAI, Rotterdam in collaboration with KCAP
    • 2001 skyscraper tool for Wijnhaveneiland, NL in collaboration with KCAP
  • building design
    • 2004 Konsenzmaschine - layout generation for redesign of "Globus Provisorium", Papierwerdareal, Zürich
    • 2004 Fronius - layout optimization for a production facility near Linz, AUT in collaboration with Sauerbruch&Hutton, Berlin
    • 2004 generation of building shapes, influenced by shadow casting, Grünhof Areal, Zürich in collaboration with KCAP
    • 2004 MAAG Tower - generation of skyscraper shape, influenced by shadow casting, study in collaboration with Herzog&deMeuron, Basel
    • 2003 steel structure optimization - study for olympic stadium in Beijing, CN in collaboration with Herzog&deMeuron, Basel
  • production
    • 2005 Futurepolis - milling code generation for Sculpture in collaboration with Daniel Libeskind, Berlin
    • 2005 milling code generation for ETH Pavillion for "Inventioneering Architecture", San Francisco, USA in collaboration with INSTANT architects, Zürich
    • 2004-2005 milling code generation for Swissbau Pavillion
  • Diplomwahlfach
    • WS 2004-2005 Studio Rheintal - urban design using Vectorscript, in collaboration with Chair of Urban Design, ETHZ
    • WS 2003-2004 replay Säulenatlas - new approach of organizing classical column orders, using XML and XSLT
    • SS 2002 programming instead of drawing - generation interactive structures, using Flash Actionscript
    • WS 2001-2002 programming instead of drawing - experimental design with agent systems, using SQUEAK
    • SS 2001 Entwerfen mit dem Paramat - parametric building design tools, using Vectorscript
    • 2002-2004 teaching MEL (Maya Embedded Language) in collaboration with Russel Loveridge, Chair of Computer Aided Manufacturing, ETHZ
  • NDS
    • 2004-2005 module - configurator - Java
    • 2003-2004 module - Prouvez Prouve - XML/XSLT/SVG
    • 2003-2004 module - configurator - Flash Actionscript
    • 2003-2004 module - programming instead of drawing - Vectorscript
    • 2002-2003 module - configurator - Flash Actionscript
    • 2001-2002 module - configurator - Flash Actionscript
papers and publications
  • 2002 a+t m2 density / densidad, p. 72-75, Kaisersrot. Programma de generacion de planes urbanos
  • 2002 Werk Bauen Wohnen, S. 4, Journal: „Kaisersrot - computergestützter individualisierter Städtebau
  • 2002 Baumeister, S. 42-43, Digital: Raum Labor - Architekturbaukasten aus dem Computer,
  • 2002 archithese «Neue Medien», 6 Seiten (2 Artikel), Programmieren statt Zeichnen – Kaisersrot
  • 2004: Hochparterre Sonderausgabe, Konsensmaschine
  • 01.08.2003 Fachseminar "Stadt spielt - spielt Stadt", Dresden, Hellerau
  • 21.-22.03. 2003 DOM conference, Linz

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