ETH Zurich – Institute for Urban Design
HIL H44.1 – Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5 – 8093 Zurich




Kees Christiaanse: Textbook

nai010 publishers, Rotterdam (2018)

Kees Christiaanse (author), Jessica Bridger (editor), Joris Jehle (ass. editor)


The Cosmos of Design. Understanding the Designer's Mind

Walther König, Köln (2020)

Simon Kretz


On Planning – A Thought Experiment

Walther König, Köln (2018)

Simon Kretz, David Chipperfield (eds.)


The Potato Plan Collection. 40 Cities through the Lens of Patrick Abercrombie

nai010 publishers, Rotterdam (2018)

Mirjam Züger, Kees Christiaanse (eds.)



The Noise Landscape. A Spatial Exploration of Airports and Cities

nai010 publishers, Rotterdam (2017)

Benedikt Boucsein, Kees Christiaanse, Eirini Kasioumi, Christian Salewski



Schindler Award 2017 São Paulo Essays | Projects

Schindler Group, ETH Zürich

Kees Christiaanse, Fabienne Hoelzel, Dimitri Kron (eds. ETH); Jessica Bridger;

Andrea Murer, Neil Runcieman (eds. Schindler Group)

Schindler Global Award 2017



Urbane Qualitäten: Ein Kompass. Am Beispiel der Metropolitanregion Zürich

Edition Hochparterre Zürich (2016)

Simon Kretz, Lukas Küng (eds.)

Urbane Qualitäten Cover



Zernez Energia 2020 – Aktionsplan und Leitfaden

Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (2015)

Zernez Energia 2020 – Aktionsplan & Leitfaden



Global Schindler Award 2015 Shenzhen Essays | Global Schindler Award 2015 Shenzhen Projects

Schindler Group, ETH Zürich

Kees Christiaanse, Fabienne Hoelzel, Myriam Perret, Dimitri Kron (Hrsg. ETH)

Jessica Bridger

Silvio Napoli, Andrea Murer, Neil Runc



City as Resource

jovis Verlag Berlin

Professur für Städtebau Kees Christiaanse, Tim Rieniets, Nicolas Kretzschmann, Myriam Perret (Hrsg.)



City as Loft. Adaptive Reuse as a Resource for Sustainable Urban Development

gta Verlag Zurich

Martina Baum, Kees Christiaanse (Hrsg.)



Dutch New Worlds: scenarios in physical planning and design in the Netherlands, 1970-2000

Salewski, Christian

Diss., Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule ETH Zürich, Nr. 19286, 2010.



Grand Urban Rules

010 publishers, Amsterdam

Alex Lehnerer



Urban Reports: Urban strategies and visions in mid-sized cities in a local and global context

GTA Verlag

Nicola Schüller, Petra Wollenberg, Kees Christiaanse (eds.)



Open City: Designing Coexistence

SUN Publisher, Amsterdam, 2009

Tim Rieniets, Jennifer Sigler, Kees Christiaanse (ed.)



Campus and the City: Urban Design for the Knowledge Society

GTA Publisher, Zurich, 2007

Höger, Kerstin, and Kees Christiaanse (ed.)



City of Collision-Jerusalem and the Principles of Conflict Urbanism

Birkhauser Publisher for Architecture, Basel, 2006

Misselwitz, Philipp and Tim Rieniets




Atlas der schrumpfenden Städte/Atlas of Shrinking Cities

Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern, 2006

Oswalt, Philipp and Tim Rieniets




NAI Publisher, Rotterdam, 2005

Christiaanse, Kees et. al. (ed.)



Netzstadt - Designing the Urban

Birkhauser Publisher for Architecture, Basel, 2003

Oswald, Franz and Peter Baccini, in Zusammenarbeit mit Mark Michaeli



Die Stadt als Loft/ The City as Loft: Projekte an der Schnittstelle von Architektur und Städtebau von KCAP/ASTOC

Ausstellungskatalog,Rotterdam: NAI, 2003

Christiaanse, Kees et. al. (ed.)





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