ETH Zurich – Institute for Urban Design
HIL H44.1 – Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5 – 8093 Zurich
The Professorship of Architecture and Urban Design of is part of the research team for the research and implementation project Smart Urban Adapt (SUA) by ETH Zurich, Imperial College London, and regional and industrial partners. The 24-months-project (2012–2014) is funded by the Knowledge and Innovation Center on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation (Climate-KIC) of the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT). The SUA project investigates the potentials of integrated modeling for transformation of urban structures into low-carbon cities. The professorship conducts research module 7: Urban Development Mechanisms.
Project Management and Contact: Anne Mikoleit
Most current urban developments take place within a substantial amount of existing built and property structures. They are based on multiple small-scale real estate projects of various actors. Each of these projects is preceded by a complex decision-making process regarding program, density, area exploitation, search for location or time of investment, which in turn relies on local and economic conditions such as investment strategy, regulatory constraints, urban qualities, or presumed development potential. Any attempt towards smart urban adaptation requires an understanding of these multi-actoral, small-scale mechanisms on multiple, integrated scales as well as the potential productivity and effectiveness of building and land-use regulations, zoning laws and economic policies. As a part of the overall research and implementation project Smart Urban Adapt, we investigate decision-making processes and investment behaviors of institutional real estate investors and developers under specific local, economic and regulatory conditions. The aim is to better estimate the amount and kinds of future real estate investments in a respective area as a result of assumed regulatory transitions to improve the plausibility and feasibility of urban adaptation scenarios.
SUA Academic partners
Prof. Gerhard Schmitt, Chair for Information Architecture, ETH Zurich
Prof. Kay W. Axhausen, Institut for Transport Planning and Systems, ETH Zurich
Prof. Dr. Jan Carmeliet, Laboratory of Building Science and Technology, Empa
Prof. Dr. Holger Wallbaum, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg
Prof. Dr. John Polak, Centre for Transport Studies, Imperial College London
SUA Business partners
ESRI Procedural
SUA supporters
Canton Zurich
City of Zurich
Greater London Authority
London Borough of Tower Hamlets
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