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Class icc.face.DocumentsPage


public final class DocumentsPage
extends Presenter
The DocumentsPage class represents an interface for the presentation and modification of document information.

See Also:
File, Header

Variable Index

A useful constant to specify an additional overview field.
A useful constant to retrieve or specify a document's bibliographic reference type.
A useful constant to retrieve or specify a document's format name, or to specify an additional overview field.
A useful constant to specify an additional overview field.
A useful constant to retrieve or specify a document's preview field.
A useful constant to retrieve or specify a collaborative author type.
A useful constant to retrieve or specify a collaborative author type.

Constructor Index

 o DocumentsPage(Client, Handler, String, String, boolean)
Allocates a DocumentsPage object for the specified client applet and handler and with the specified display name and url.

Method Index

 o attributes(File)
Returns an array of attribute names for the specified document, if any.
 o bibrefAttributes(String)
Returns an array of bibliographic reference attribute names for the specified document type.
 o bibrefAuthors(File)
 o bibrefLabels(String)
Returns an array of bibliographic reference attribute labels for the specified document type.
 o categories(File)
Returns an array of categories for the specified document, if any.
 o clearTags()
Clears all tags.
 o clearVisibles()
Clears all visibles.
 o contains(int, Integer)
Returns whether the folder with given index contains the specified document.
 o deleteDocument(Integer)
Sends a request to delete the document information for the specified identifier to the mediator, if the user has delete permission for this document.
 o doctypes()
Returns an array of document types for bibliographic reference information.
 o documents(int)
Returns an array of document identifiers corresponding to the top-level documents in the specified folder.
 o editNew(Integer)
Sets this information to a new document being edited.
 o editNewText(Integer)
Sets this information to a new text document being edited.
 o editNewVersion(Integer)
Sets this information to a new document being edited.
 o editOn()
Returns whether this document is being edited or not.
 o exists(int)
Returns whether the project cube corresponding the specified folder has access rights defined.
 o foldersSize()
Returns the number of folders currently held.
 o formats()
Returns an array of format names.
 o getArea()
Returns the current project area.
 o getArea(int)
Returns the project area for the folder with given index.
 o getCategories(int)
Returns the categories for the folder with given index.
 o getDocument()
Returns the current document information.
 o getDocument(Integer)
Returns the document information for the specified identifier.
 o getEditDocumentName()
Returns the name of the currently or previously edited document.
 o getFolder(int)
Returns the folder with given index.
 o getFormat(File)
Returns the format document corresponding the specified document, if any.
 o getMembers(Integer)
Returns an array of team members for the specified team.
 o getOverview()
Returns the additional overview field name.
 o getPreview(File)
Returns the preview URL for the specified document, if any.
 o getProjectName()
Returns the current project name.
 o getProjectName(int)
Returns the project name for the folder with given index.
 o getSize(int)
Returns the number of documents for the folder with given index.
 o getTime()
Returns the current project time.
 o getTime(int)
Returns the project time for the folder with given index.
 o getType()
Returns the current project type.
 o getType(int)
Returns the project type for the folder with given index.
 o getUsername(Integer)
Returns the username corresponding the specified partner identifier, or "unknown" if the partner is unknown.
 o isBibref(Header)
Checks whether the specified document information concerns a bibliographic reference or not.
 o isComplete(Header)
Checks whether the specified document information concerns a full document or document header.
 o isFolderOpen(int)
Checks whether the specified folder is shown including all documents, or not.
 o isOpen(Integer)
Checks whether the specified document is shown including all contained and follow-up documents, or not.
 o isTagged(Integer)
Checks whether the specified document is tagged or not.
 o isText(Header)
Checks whether the specified document information concerns a text document or not.
 o isVisible(Integer)
Checks whether the specified document is visible or not.
 o isWork(Header)
Checks whether the specified document information concerns a work document or not.
 o links(File)
Returns an array of link identifiers for the specified document, if any.
 o mayDelete(File)
Returns whether the user has write permission for the specified document.
 o mayRead(File)
Returns whether the user has read permission for the specified document.
 o mayRead(int)
Returns whether the user has read permission for the specified folder.
 o mayWrite(File)
Returns whether the user has write permission for the specified document.
 o mayWrite(int)
Returns whether the user has write permission for the specified folder.
 o moveFolderDown(int)
Moves the specified folder down one index.
 o moveFolderUp(int)
Moves the specified folder up one index.
 o nextDocument(Integer)
Returns the next document in the current folder, if any.
 o overviews()
Returns an array of valid overview field names.
 o previousDocument(Integer)
Returns the previous document in the current folder, if any.
 o readers(WorkFile)
 o reference(File)
 o removeFolder(int)
Removes the specified folder.
 o reservedAttributes()
Returns an array of reserved attribute names for documents that do not contain bibliographic reference information.
 o reservedBibrefAttributes()
Returns an array of additional reserved attribute names for documents that do contain bibliographic reference information.
 o retrieve(Integer)
Sends a request to retrieve the document information for the specified identifier to the mediator.
 o retrieve(Integer[])
Sends a request to retrieve all document information for the specified identifiers to the mediator.
 o setBibrefAuthors(String)
 o setDocument(Integer)
Sets the current document.
 o setFolder(Folder)
Sets the current folder.
 o setOverview(String)
Sets the current overview field name.
 o submit()
Submits the edited document information for confirmation to the project database.
 o tags()
Returns an array of all tagged and visible document identifiers.
 o teams()
Returns an array of teams.
 o toggleBibref()
Toggles whether this information concerns a bibliographic reference document or not.
 o toggleEdit()
Toggles whether this information is being edited or not.
 o toggleFolderOpen(int)
Toggles whether the specified folder is shown including all documents, or not.
 o toggleLock(Integer)
Toggles the lock of a file.
 o toggleOpen(Integer)
Toggles whether the specified document is shown including all contained and follow-up documents, or not.
 o toggleTag(Integer)
Toggles whether the specified document is tagged or not.
 o toggleVisible(Integer)
Toggles whether the specified document is visible or not.
 o toggleWork()
Toggles whether this information concerns a work document or not.
 o userId()
Returns the user's partner identifier, or null if the user authenticated as guest.
 o writers(WorkFile)


 public final String FORMAT
A useful constant to retrieve or specify a document's format name, or to specify an additional overview field.

 public final String CREATION
A useful constant to specify an additional overview field.

 public final String LEDIT
A useful constant to specify an additional overview field.

 public final String PREVIEW
A useful constant to retrieve or specify a document's preview field.

 public final String DOCTYPE
A useful constant to retrieve or specify a document's bibliographic reference type.

 public final String WRITER
A useful constant to retrieve or specify a collaborative author type.

 public final String READER
A useful constant to retrieve or specify a collaborative author type.


 o DocumentsPage
 public DocumentsPage(Client client,
                      Handler handler,
                      String display,
                      String url,
                      boolean hold)
Allocates a DocumentsPage object for the specified client applet and handler and with the specified display name and url.

client - the client applet
handler - the client handler
display - a display name
url - a url to be published in this display
hold - a boolean to specify whether the previous folder(s) should be held when a new current folder is set


 o getProjectName
 public String getProjectName()
Returns the current project name.

a project name
 o getArea
 public String getArea()
Returns the current project area.

a project area
 o getTime
 public String getTime()
Returns the current project time.

a project time
 o getType
 public String getType()
Returns the current project type.

a project type
 o getDocument
 public Header getDocument()
Returns the current document information.

a document
 o editOn
 public boolean editOn()
Returns whether this document is being edited or not.

true if this document is being edited, false otherwise.
 o foldersSize
 public int foldersSize()
Returns the number of folders currently held.

the number of folders
 o formats
 public String[] formats()
Returns an array of format names.

an array of format names
 o doctypes
 public String[] doctypes()
Returns an array of document types for bibliographic reference information.

an array of document types
 o bibrefAttributes
 public String[] bibrefAttributes(String type)
Returns an array of bibliographic reference attribute names for the specified document type.

type - a bibliographic reference document type
an array of attribute names
 o bibrefLabels
 public String[] bibrefLabels(String type)
Returns an array of bibliographic reference attribute labels for the specified document type.

type - a bibliographic reference document type
an array of attribute labels
 o overviews
 public String[] overviews()
Returns an array of valid overview field names.

an array of valid overview field names
 o getOverview
 public String getOverview()
Returns the additional overview field name.

an overview field name
 o getFolder
 public Folder getFolder(int index)
Returns the folder with given index.

index - a folder index
a folder
 o getProjectName
 public String getProjectName(int index)
Returns the project name for the folder with given index.

index - a folder index
a project name
 o getArea
 public String getArea(int index)
Returns the project area for the folder with given index.

index - a folder index
a project area
 o getTime
 public String getTime(int index)
Returns the project time for the folder with given index.

index - a folder index
a project time
 o getType
 public String getType(int index)
Returns the project type for the folder with given index.

index - a folder index
a project type
 o getCategories
 public String getCategories(int index)
Returns the categories for the folder with given index.

index - a folder index
a string of categories separated with spaces
See Also:
 o getSize
 public int getSize(int index)
Returns the number of documents for the folder with given index.

index - a folder index
the number of documents
See Also:
 o contains
 public boolean contains(int index,
                         Integer id)
Returns whether the folder with given index contains the specified document.

index - a folder index
id - a document identifier
true if this folder contains the document; false otherwise
See Also:
 o toggleLock
 public void toggleLock(Integer id)
Toggles the lock of a file.

index - a folder index
 o mayRead
 public boolean mayRead(int index)
Returns whether the user has read permission for the specified folder.

index - a folder index
true if the user has read permission, false otherwise
 o mayWrite
 public boolean mayWrite(int index)
Returns whether the user has write permission for the specified folder.

index - a folder index
true if the user has write permission, false otherwise
 o exists
 public boolean exists(int index)
Returns whether the project cube corresponding the specified folder has access rights defined.

index - a folder index
true if the project cube exists, false otherwise
 o getDocument
 public Header getDocument(Integer id)
Returns the document information for the specified identifier.

id - a document identifier
a document
 o isComplete
 public boolean isComplete(Header doc)
Checks whether the specified document information concerns a full document or document header.

doc - a document
true if a full document is concerned, false otherwise
 o isWork
 public boolean isWork(Header doc)
Checks whether the specified document information concerns a work document or not.

doc - a document
true if a work document is concerned, false otherwise
 o isText
 public boolean isText(Header doc)
Checks whether the specified document information concerns a text document or not.

doc - a document
true if a text document is concerned, false otherwise
 o isBibref
 public boolean isBibref(Header doc)
Checks whether the specified document information concerns a bibliographic reference or not.

doc - a document
true if a bibliographic reference is concerned, false otherwise
 o mayRead
 public boolean mayRead(File doc)
Returns whether the user has read permission for the specified document. This document must belong to the current folder.

doc - a full document
true if the user has read permission, false otherwise
 o mayWrite
 public boolean mayWrite(File doc)
Returns whether the user has write permission for the specified document. This document must belong to the current folder.

doc - a full document
true if the user has write permission, false otherwise
 o mayDelete
 public boolean mayDelete(File doc)
Returns whether the user has write permission for the specified document. This document must belong to the current folder.

doc - a full document
true if the user has write permission, false otherwise
 o getPreview
 public String getPreview(File doc)
Returns the preview URL for the specified document, if any.

doc - a full document
 o getFormat
 public Header getFormat(File doc)
Returns the format document corresponding the specified document, if any.

doc - a full document
a format document
 o setOverview
 public void setOverview(String field)
Sets the current overview field name. If the field name is null no additional overview field should be shown.

field - an overview field name
See Also:
 o categories
 public String[] categories(File doc)
Returns an array of categories for the specified document, if any.

doc - a full document
an array of categories
 o reservedAttributes
 public String[] reservedAttributes()
Returns an array of reserved attribute names for documents that do not contain bibliographic reference information.

an array of attribute names
 o reservedBibrefAttributes
 public String[] reservedBibrefAttributes()
Returns an array of additional reserved attribute names for documents that do contain bibliographic reference information.

an array of attribute names
 o attributes
 public synchronized String[] attributes(File doc)
Returns an array of attribute names for the specified document, if any. Preview, format and bibliographic reference attributes are excluded.

doc - a full document
an array of attribute names
 o links
 public synchronized Integer[] links(File doc)
Returns an array of link identifiers for the specified document, if any.

doc - a full document
an array of link identifiers
 o reference
 public String reference(File doc)
 o bibrefAuthors
 public synchronized String[] bibrefAuthors(File doc)
 o writers
 public synchronized String[] writers(WorkFile doc)
 o readers
 public synchronized String[] readers(WorkFile doc)
 o setBibrefAuthors
 public void setBibrefAuthors(String authors)
 o setDocument
 public void setDocument(Integer id)
Sets the current document. This document must belong to the current folder.

id - a document identifier
 o documents
 public Integer[] documents(int index)
Returns an array of document identifiers corresponding to the top-level documents in the specified folder.

index - a folder index
an array of document identifiers
 o setFolder
 public synchronized void setFolder(Folder folder)
Sets the current folder. The current document is set to null.

a - folder
 o removeFolder
 public synchronized void removeFolder(int index)
Removes the specified folder. The current document is set to null if this concerns the current folder.

index - a folder index
 o moveFolderUp
 public synchronized void moveFolderUp(int index)
Moves the specified folder up one index. The current document is set to null if this changes the current folder.

index - a folder index
 o moveFolderDown
 public synchronized void moveFolderDown(int index)
Moves the specified folder down one index. The current document is set to null if this changes the current folder.

index - a folder index
 o getEditDocumentName
 public String getEditDocumentName()
Returns the name of the currently or previously edited document.

 o toggleEdit
 public void toggleEdit()
Toggles whether this information is being edited or not.

 o toggleWork
 public void toggleWork()
Toggles whether this information concerns a work document or not. This document must be being edited.

 o toggleBibref
 public void toggleBibref()
Toggles whether this information concerns a bibliographic reference document or not. This document must be being edited.

 o editNew
 public void editNew(Integer id)
Sets this information to a new document being edited. If a parent document is specified, the new document is set to belong to the specified document.

id - a document identifier, or null
 o editNewVersion
 public void editNewVersion(Integer id)
Sets this information to a new document being edited. If a parent document is specified, the new document is set to be a new version of the specified document.

id - a document identifier, or null
 o editNewText
 public void editNewText(Integer id)
Sets this information to a new text document being edited. If a parent document is specified, the new document is set to reply to the specified document.

id - a document identifier, or null
 o isTagged
 public boolean isTagged(Integer id)
Checks whether the specified document is tagged or not.

id - a document identifier
true if the document is tagged, false otherwise
 o toggleTag
 public void toggleTag(Integer id)
Toggles whether the specified document is tagged or not.

id - a document identifier
 o isVisible
 public boolean isVisible(Integer id)
Checks whether the specified document is visible or not.

id - a document identifier
true if the document is visible, false otherwise
 o toggleVisible
 public void toggleVisible(Integer id)
Toggles whether the specified document is visible or not.

id - a document identifier
 o tags
 public Integer[] tags()
Returns an array of all tagged and visible document identifiers.

an array of document identifiers
 o clearTags
 public void clearTags()
Clears all tags.

 o clearVisibles
 public void clearVisibles()
Clears all visibles.

 o isOpen
 public boolean isOpen(Integer id)
Checks whether the specified document is shown including all contained and follow-up documents, or not.

id - a document identifier
true if the document is open, false otherwise
 o isFolderOpen
 public synchronized boolean isFolderOpen(int index)
Checks whether the specified folder is shown including all documents, or not.

index - a folder index
true if the folder is open, false otherwise
 o toggleOpen
 public void toggleOpen(Integer id)
Toggles whether the specified document is shown including all contained and follow-up documents, or not.

id - a document identifier
 o toggleFolderOpen
 public synchronized void toggleFolderOpen(int index)
Toggles whether the specified folder is shown including all documents, or not.

index - a folder index
 o previousDocument
 public Header previousDocument(Integer id)
Returns the previous document in the current folder, if any.

id - a document identifier
the resulting document information; null otherwise.
 o nextDocument
 public Header nextDocument(Integer id)
Returns the next document in the current folder, if any.

id - a document identifier
the resulting document information; null otherwise.
 o submit
 public boolean submit()
Submits the edited document information for confirmation to the project database. If any necessary information is missing or incomplete, the information is not submitted.

true if the information is submitted; false otherwise
See Also:
alter, create
 o teams
 public Integer[] teams()
Returns an array of teams.

an array of team identifiers
 o getMembers
 public Integer[] getMembers(Integer id)
Returns an array of team members for the specified team.

an array of team member identifiers
 o retrieve
 public void retrieve(Integer id)
Sends a request to retrieve the document information for the specified identifier to the mediator.

id - a document identifier
See Also:
retrieve, query
 o retrieve
 public void retrieve(Integer ids[])
Sends a request to retrieve all document information for the specified identifiers to the mediator.

ids - an array of document identifiers
See Also:
retrieve, query
 o deleteDocument
 public void deleteDocument(Integer id)
Sends a request to delete the document information for the specified identifier to the mediator, if the user has delete permission for this document.

id - a document identifier
See Also:
delete, query
 o userId
 public Integer userId()
Returns the user's partner identifier, or null if the user authenticated as guest.

a partner identifier
 o getUsername
 public String getUsername(Integer id)
Returns the username corresponding the specified partner identifier, or "unknown" if the partner is unknown.

id - a partner identifier
a partner username

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