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Class icc.face.ProjectPage


public final class ProjectPage
extends Presenter
The ProjectPage class represents an interface for the presentation and modification of project information.

See Also:
Project, Phase

Variable Index

A useful constant to specify an additional overview field.
A useful constant to specify an additional overview field.
A useful constant to specify an additional overview field.

Constructor Index

 o ProjectPage(Client, Handler, String, String)
Allocates an ProjectPage object for the specified client applet and handler and with the specified display name and url.

Method Index

 o administrator()
Returns the current project administrator.
 o administrator(Integer)
Returns the administrator of the specified project.
 o documents()
Returns an array of document identifiers corresponding to the top-level documents in the project support folder.
 o editOn()
Returns whether this information is being edited or not.
 o getActualEndTime(String)
Returns the actual end date for the specified phase.
 o getActualStartTime(String)
Returns the actual start date for the specified phase.
 o getDocument(Integer)
Returns the document information for the specified identifier.
 o getFolder()
Returns the project support folder.
 o getMembers(Integer)
Returns an array of team members for the specified team.
 o getModificationTime()
Returns the last modification date of this project, in milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00.
 o getOverview()
Returns the additional overview field name.
 o getPartnerFunction(Integer)
Returns the specified partner's function.
 o getPartnerFunction(Integer, Integer)
Returns the given partner's function in the specified project.
 o getPhaseStatus(String)
Returns the status for the specified phase.
 o getPlannedEndTime(String)
Returns the planned end date for the specified phase.
 o getPlannedStartTime(String)
Returns the planned start date for the specified phase.
 o getProjectId()
Returns the current project identifier.
 o getProjectMembers(Integer)
Returns an array of team members for the specified team, that are project partners for the current project.
 o getProjectName()
Returns the current project name.
 o getProjectName(Integer)
Returns the name of the specified project.
 o getProjectTitle()
Returns the current project title.
 o getProjectTitle(Integer)
Returns the title of the specified project.
 o getProjectType()
Returns the current project type.
 o getProjectType(Integer)
Returns the type of the specified project.
 o getUsername(Integer)
Returns the username of the specified partner.
 o isEditable()
Checks whether this project is editable, i.e., whether the user is the project administrator.
 o isProjectMember(Integer)
Checks if the specified partner is a member of the current project.
 o overviews()
Returns an array of valid overview field names.
 o parent()
Returns the parent project name.
 o partnerNames()
Returns an array of all partners' usernames.
 o phaseNames()
Returns an array of phase names for the current project.
 o removePartner(Integer)
Removes the specified partner from this project.
 o removePhase(String)
Removes the specified phase from the current project, if this project is being edited.
 o renamePhase(String, String)
Renames the specified phase of the current project, if this project is being edited.
 o setActualEndTime(String, long)
Sets the actual end date for the specified phase, if the corresponding project is being edited.
 o setActualStartTime(String, long)
Sets the actual start date for the specified phase, if the corresponding project is being edited.
 o setNewProject(String, Integer)
Sets a new project to be the current project.
 o setOverview(String)
Sets the current overview field name.
 o setPartner(Integer, String)
Adds the specified partner to this project with the specified function.
 o setPhase(String)
Adds the specified phase to the current project, if this project is being edited.
 o setPhaseStatus(String, int)
Sets the status for the specified phase, if the corresponding project is being edited.
 o setPlannedEndTime(String, long)
Sets the planned end date for the specified phase, if the corresponding project is being edited.
 o setPlannedStartTime(String, long)
Sets the planned start date for the specified phase, if the corresponding project is being edited.
 o setProject(Integer)
Sets the current project.
 o setProjectAdministrator(String)
Sets the current project administrator, if this project is being edited.
 o setProjectTitle(String)
Sets the current project title, if this project is being edited.
 o setProjectType(String)
Sets the current project type, if this project is being edited.
 o submit()
 o subprojects(Integer)
Returns a list of projects that have the specified project as their parent.
 o teams()
Returns an array of teams.
 o toggleEdit()
Toggles whether this information is being edited or not.


 public final String NAME
A useful constant to specify an additional overview field.

 public final String TYPE
A useful constant to specify an additional overview field.

 public final String ADMIN
A useful constant to specify an additional overview field.


 o ProjectPage
 public ProjectPage(Client client,
                    Handler handler,
                    String display,
                    String url)
Allocates an ProjectPage object for the specified client applet and handler and with the specified display name and url.

client - the client applet
handler - the client handler
display - a display name
url - a url to be published in this display


 o getProjectId
 public Integer getProjectId()
Returns the current project identifier.

a project identifier
 o getProjectName
 public String getProjectName()
Returns the current project name.

a project name
 o getProjectTitle
 public String getProjectTitle()
Returns the current project title.

a project title
 o getProjectType
 public String getProjectType()
Returns the current project type.

a project type
 o administrator
 public Integer administrator()
Returns the current project administrator.

a partner identifier
 o parent
 public String parent()
Returns the parent project name.

a project name
 o getModificationTime
 public long getModificationTime()
Returns the last modification date of this project, in milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00.

the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00
 o overviews
 public String[] overviews()
Returns an array of valid overview field names.

 o getOverview
 public String getOverview()
Returns the additional overview field name.

an overview field name
 o getProjectName
 public String getProjectName(Integer id)
Returns the name of the specified project.

id - a project identifier
the project name
 o getProjectTitle
 public String getProjectTitle(Integer id)
Returns the title of the specified project.

id - a project identifier
the project title
 o getProjectType
 public String getProjectType(Integer id)
Returns the type of the specified project.

id - a project identifier
the project type
 o administrator
 public Integer administrator(Integer id)
Returns the administrator of the specified project.

id - a project identifier
the partner identifier
 o subprojects
 public Integer[] subprojects(Integer id)
Returns a list of projects that have the specified project as their parent.

id - a project identifier
an array of project identifiers
 o getPartnerFunction
 public String getPartnerFunction(Integer id,
                                  Integer partnerid)
Returns the given partner's function in the specified project. If the specified partner is not a project partner, null is returned.

id - a project identifier
partnerid - a partner identifier
a partner function
 o getPartnerFunction
 public String getPartnerFunction(Integer partnerid)
Returns the specified partner's function. If the specified partner is not a project partner, null is returned.

partnerid - a partner identifier
a partner function
 o setOverview
 public void setOverview(String field)
Sets the current overview field name. If the field name is null no additional overview field should be shown.

field - an overview field name
See Also:
 o phaseNames
 public String[] phaseNames()
Returns an array of phase names for the current project.

an array of phase names
 o getPlannedStartTime
 public long getPlannedStartTime(String name)
Returns the planned start date for the specified phase.

name - a phase name
the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT represented by the planned start date.
 o getPlannedEndTime
 public long getPlannedEndTime(String name)
Returns the planned end date for the specified phase.

name - a phase name
the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT represented by the planned end date.
 o getActualStartTime
 public long getActualStartTime(String name)
Returns the actual start date for the specified phase.

name - a phase name
the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT represented by the actual start date.
 o getActualEndTime
 public long getActualEndTime(String name)
Returns the actual end date for the specified phase.

name - a phase name
the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT represented by the actual end date.
 o getPhaseStatus
 public int getPhaseStatus(String name)
Returns the status for the specified phase.

name - a phase name
phase status as a percentage completed work
 o getFolder
 public Folder getFolder()
Returns the project support folder.

a folder
 o documents
 public Integer[] documents()
Returns an array of document identifiers corresponding to the top-level documents in the project support folder.

an array of document identifiers
 o getDocument
 public Header getDocument(Integer id)
Returns the document information for the specified identifier.

id - a document identifier
a document
 o setProject
 public void setProject(Integer id)
Sets the current project.

id - a project identifier
 o setNewProject
 public void setNewProject(String name,
                           Integer id)
Sets a new project to be the current project. The parent project must be specified too.

name - a project name
id - a project identifier
 o setProjectTitle
 public void setProjectTitle(String title)
Sets the current project title, if this project is being edited.

title - a project title
 o setProjectType
 public void setProjectType(String type)
Sets the current project type, if this project is being edited.

type - a project type
 o setProjectAdministrator
 public void setProjectAdministrator(String username)
Sets the current project administrator, if this project is being edited.

username - a partner username
 o removePartner
 public void removePartner(Integer id)
Removes the specified partner from this project.

id - a partner identifier
 o setPartner
 public void setPartner(Integer id,
                        String function)
Adds the specified partner to this project with the specified function.

id - a partner identifier
function - a function name
 o removePhase
 public void removePhase(String name)
Removes the specified phase from the current project, if this project is being edited.

name - a phase name
 o setPhase
 public void setPhase(String name)
Adds the specified phase to the current project, if this project is being edited. The current date is assigned as default start date and end dates.

name - a phase name
 o renamePhase
 public void renamePhase(String oldname,
                         String newname)
Renames the specified phase of the current project, if this project is being edited.

oldname - an existing phase name
newname - a new phase name
 o setPlannedStartTime
 public void setPlannedStartTime(String name,
                                 long time)
Sets the planned start date for the specified phase, if the corresponding project is being edited.

name - a phase name
time - the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT represented by the planned start date.
 o setPlannedEndTime
 public void setPlannedEndTime(String name,
                               long time)
Sets the planned end date for the specified phase, if the corresponding project is being edited.

name - a phase name
time - the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT represented by the planned end date.
 o setActualStartTime
 public void setActualStartTime(String name,
                                long time)
Sets the actual start date for the specified phase, if the corresponding project is being edited.

name - a phase name
time - the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT represented by the actual start date.
 o setActualEndTime
 public void setActualEndTime(String name,
                              long time)
Sets the actual end date for the specified phase, if the corresponding project is being edited.

name - a phase name
time - the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT represented by the actual end date.
 o setPhaseStatus
 public void setPhaseStatus(String name,
                            int status)
Sets the status for the specified phase, if the corresponding project is being edited.

name - a phase name
status - a phase status as a percentage completed work
 o isEditable
 public boolean isEditable()
Checks whether this project is editable, i.e., whether the user is the project administrator.

true if this information editable, false otherwise.
 o editOn
 public boolean editOn()
Returns whether this information is being edited or not.

true if this information is being edited, false otherwise.
 o toggleEdit
 public void toggleEdit()
Toggles whether this information is being edited or not.

 o teams
 public Integer[] teams()
Returns an array of teams.

an array of team identifiers
 o getMembers
 public Integer[] getMembers(Integer id)
Returns an array of team members for the specified team.

an array of team member identifiers
 o getProjectMembers
 public Integer[] getProjectMembers(Integer id)
Returns an array of team members for the specified team, that are project partners for the current project.

an array of team member identifiers
 o partnerNames
 public String[] partnerNames()
Returns an array of all partners' usernames.

an array of usernames
 o getUsername
 public String getUsername(Integer id)
Returns the username of the specified partner.

id - a partner identifier
a partner username
 o isProjectMember
 public boolean isProjectMember(Integer id)
Checks if the specified partner is a member of the current project.

id - a partner identifier
true if the partner is a member of the project, false otherwise
 o submit
 public void submit()

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