About us


 Scientific Co-ordinator Prof. Dr. G. Schmitt
Jan Halatsch
Chair for Information Architecture (IA), ETH, Switzerland
Contact: halatsch@arch.ethz.ch
 Administration Dr. B. R. Bodenmann
Céline Furrer
regioConcept AG, Switzerland
Contact: info@regioconcept.ch



ETH Zurich Project lead. Modules: cloud-based visualization services, transport, climate, building park.
Imperial College London Co-lead. Modules: transport, smart urban sensing, cloud-based data services.
Esri R&D Center Zurich
Contributor. Modules: GIS warehouse provider, cloud-based services, procedural runtime.
IBM Contributor. Modules: smart urban sensing, cloud-based data services.
SmartBetterCities AG Contributor. Modules: cloud-based visualization services.


Participating Firms and Institutes

International Business Machines Corporation (IBM), Swizterland
Dr. Boxler 
Chair for Information Architecture (IA), ETH, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Schmitt Gerhard
Chalmers University of Technology (Göteborg), Sweden
Prof. Dr. Wallbaum Holger
Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme (IVT), ETH, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Axhausen Kay
Institut für Städtebau (ISB), ETH, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Kees Christiaanse
Institut für Technologie in der Architektur (ITA), ETH, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Carmeliet Jan
Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs- und Forschungsanstalt (EMPA), Switzerland
Allegrini Jonas
Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS), Switzerland
De Lorenzi Michele
Imperial College London (ICL), United Kingdom
Prof. Dr. Polak John
regioConcept AG, Switzerland
Dr. Bodenmann Balz
TEP Energy, Switzerland
Dr. Jakob Martin 
Esri R&D Center Zurich, Switzerland
Dr. Müller Pascal
SmarterBetterCities AG, Switzerland
Antje Kunze


Canton of Zürich
City of Zürich
Greater London Authority
London Borough of Tower Hamlets

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