
Aiming to understand the basic principals of coding, we tried to imitate pattern of thought from past centuries. During the very first week of the third module the scheme was to think in a “medieval” way! Values, numbers, colors are all forbidden. Only movements are on the stage. Code is writen according to medieval principles with its small cosmos organized in a strict way. It imitates the movement of the body and this is directly transported to the movement of the objects. The results? Huge codes, everything in order, nice patterns,… and we are looking forward to the Renaissance!

Evangelos Pantazis_VagueTruchet


Teemu Seppänen_RoseWindow


Grete Soosalu_Labyrinth


Miro Roman_THE GREAT medieval HALL


Daniel Rohlek_KolamPattern


Stelios Psaltis_digital lace


Bojana Miskeljin_medieval vocabulary


Diana Alvarez_bestiary


Stella Azariadi_medieval pattern


Stanislava Predojevic_shape equation


Melina Mezari_dislocation

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