Author Archives: stelios

M3_romantic.. processing

Having experimented with processing on a medieval and renaissance environment, the next step was to proceed in the baroque and romantic era.
In romanticism everything gets coordinated, properties are put on the media and elements are orchestrated to each other. The ability to manage all these populations is given to us by the use of numbers on arrays, while swarms of elements can even be set free from rigid arithmetics.
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Aiming to understand the basic principals of coding, we tried to imitate pattern of thought from past centuries. During the very first week of the third module the scheme was to think in a “medieval” way! Values, numbers, colors are all forbidden. Only movements are on the stage. Code is writen according to medieval principles with its small cosmos organized in a strict way. It imitates the movement of the body and this is directly transported to the movement of the objects. The results? Huge codes, everything in order, nice patterns,… and we are looking forward to the Renaissance!

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et voila….

Et voila…. the long awaited moment has come! The whole structure is at last fully assembled and self-standing! Continue reading

Nearing completion

After the end of the second module the labor towards a finished construction continued. The enthusiasm is still present! The working shifts had to be reorganized, since the next module has already started. Little by little the structure is realized by  teams comprized of three-four people . So, what’s next? The assembly of the roof . The last piece to be assempled and fitted  on the rest of the structure.  The goal?  To have the finished piece in place before christmass!

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