Having experimented with processing on a medieval and renaissance environment, the next step was to proceed in the baroque and romantic era.
In romanticism everything gets coordinated, properties are put on the media and elements are orchestrated to each other. The ability to manage all these populations is given to us by the use of numbers on arrays, while swarms of elements can even be set free from rigid arithmetics.
The array, the matrix and the ‘if-then’ test condition, as the basic commands for scripting experimentations, were the students basic tools for the creation of their poster, by which they tried to apply arithmetics over populations and to control their properties towards the creation of an interesting image.
(The cover image is a result of a students collaboration)
monologue with K.L. test 02 from miro roman on Vimeo.
Miro Roman
Stelios Psaltis
Melina Mezari
Teemu Seppanen
Evangelos Pantazis
Grete Soosalu
Dynamic Kolam by Daniel Rohlek from MASCAAD1112 on Vimeo.
Daniel Rohlek