TWiki . D2p . Holz21Award

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Inventioneering Architecture Libeskind's Futuropolis Swissbau Pavilion

Holz21 Award 2005
Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN)


ETH Zürich
Christoph Schindler
Fabian Scheurer
Markus Braach

Bach Heiden AG
Heiden (CH)
Franz Roman Bach
Hansueli Dumelin

Additional Information
Website of Holz21
Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN)
Reiche Ernte für neue Ideen zu Holz
Holz21 in the Lignum Journal (german)

three digitally optimized production chains
for wood construction

competition brochure (PDF, 6.8 MB)

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For the contribution "Three digitally optimized production chains for wood construction" caad.designtoproduction was awarded the the prize "Neue Horizonte – ideenpool holz21" by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN).

Out of 139 submissions that were handed in for the competition in summer 2005, designtoproduction was awarded one of nine sponsorship awards endowed with 10'000 Swiss Franks.

Three digitally optimized production chains for wood construction

The competition entry by designtoproduction documents three projects that were realized throughout the year 2005:

  • The exhibition platform for the traveling exhibition Inventioneering Architecture.
  • The sculpture Futuropolis" designed by Daniel Libeskind for the University of St. Gallen (HSG).
  • The Swissbau Pavillion for the special exhibition "The digital chain", showed at the SWISSBAU'05 fair in Basle.

All three projects were realized in a continuous digital production chain from the design to the production on a computer-controlled five-axis mill.

Revision r1.6 - 20 Aug 2006 - 12:35 - ChristophSchindler
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