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awards |
Nomination ACADIA Award for Emerging Digital Practice Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture ACADIA, 2006 Special Award Custom Design Xaver.06 Swiss Exhibition and Event Award for Inventioneering Architecture with Instant Architects KMU Primus 2006 3rd Prize Förderpreis der Kantonalbank St. Gallen for the cooperation with Bach Heiden AG holz21 Neue Horizonte 2005 Förderpreis des BAFU Bundesamt für Umwelt, Wald und Landschaft |
exhibitions |
BlickfangSpot "From Design to Production" ETH Zürich, Chair of CAAD, Prof. Dr. Ludger Hovestadt ETH Zürich, 15.11.2005 Swissbau 05 Special Exhibition "Die digitale Kette" ETH Zürich, Chair of CAAD, Prof. Dr. Ludger Hovestadt Swissbau Basel, 25.-29.01.2005 |
media |
R. Fischer Revolution im Bau In: ETH Globe 1/2006, p. 10-12 ETH Zürich Corporate Communications Zürich 2006 H. Wettstein "Unmögliches" wird plötzlich bezahlbar In: Schreinerzeitung 2/2006 ed. VSSM Verband Schweizerischer Schreinermeister- und Möbelfabrikanten Zürich 2006 M. Ervin Vectorscript and parametric modeling technology bring Daniel Libeskind's Futuropolis to life In: Nemetschek Vectorworks Online Case Studies Columbia 2005 M. von Bergen, C. von Büren Reiche Ernte für neue Ideen zu Holz In: Tec21 Nr. 1-2, Zürich 06.01.2006 C. Schärer Die Stapler und die Fräser In: Tages-Anzeiger, Zürich 13.12.2005 |
books & journals |
C. Schindler, F. Scheurer Komplexität bauen - Die digitale Umsetzung von Libeskinds Futuropolis in: Die Stadt als Perspektive. Zur Konstruktion urbaner Räume. ed. T. Beyes, H. Keller, D. Libeskind, S. Spoun, p. 142-147 Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern 2006. Inventioneering Architecture Switzerland edited by Faculty of Architecture, D-ARCH, ETH Zurich gta Verlag, Zürich 2005 F. Scheurer Getting complexity organised - Using self-organisation in architectural construction Automation in Construction, In Press, Corrected Proof. DOI:10.1016/j.autcon.2005.10.006 |
conference papers |
C. Schindler, F. Scheurer Neue Formen und neue Wertschöpfung: Digitale Produktionsketten für den Holzbau in: Internationale Konferenz zur Automation in der Holzwirtschaft Proceedings of the Conference. Biel 2006. C. Schindler, M. Braach, F. Scheurer "Inventioneering Architecture" – building a doubly curved section through Switzerland In: Acadia Conference 2006 Synthetic Landscapes. Proceedings of the International Conference. ed. Gregory A. Luhan. Louisville Kentucky, 2006. F. Scheurer, C. Schindler, M. Braach From Design to Production - Three Complex Structures Materialised in Wood In: Generative Art 2005. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference. ed. Celestino Soddu. Milan, 2005. F. Scheurer Turning the Design Process Downside-up - Self-Organization in Real-World Architecture In: Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2005 ed. Bob Martens and André Brown, 269-278, Vienna: Springer, Dordrecht, 2005. F. Scheurer A Simulation Toolbox for Self-Organisation in Architectural Design In: Innovation in Architecture, Engineering and Computing (AEC) ed. Sevil Sariyildiz and Bige Tuncer, 2, 533-543, Rotterdam, NL: Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, 2005. F. Scheurer The Groningen Twister - an Experiment in Applied Generative Design In: Generative Art 2003. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference ed. Celestino Soddu. Milan, 2003. |
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