ETH Zuerich - Startseite
Professur für CAAD



Connected Real Estate


HOW MUCH ENERGY COULD AN ORGANISATION SAVE if the heating, air conditioning and power consumption were regulated according to the number of people in the building? How much additional value could building owners generate if they had a more accurate picture of the way their services were being consumed and could charge tenants accordingly? And how much more comfortable would it be to work in a building where smart infrastructure recognised each individual as he or she walked into a room, tailored building services to personal preferences and provided instant access to required IT and communications systems?

THIS IS NOT A VISION for just the long-term future—much of the infrastructure needed to realise it is available today, and other key products will be released in the near future. By embedding Internet technologies into the fabric of a building, deploying inexpensive chip sets and changing the way we manage both electrical and data systems, we believe it is possible to transform the way we interact with our building environment. ...>>

Download article: ConnectedRealEstate - The way smart buildings will flourish.pdf (160 kb)
Download full book: Connected Real Estate

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