Steffen Lemmerzahl Born 1976 in Freiburg, Germany Education 2003 Degree in architecture, Prof. Marc Angélil, «Hotel am Axenstein» 1997-2003 Studies of Architecture at ETH Zürich 1986-1995 French and german university-entrance diploma at DFG, Freiburg, Germany Work 2004 Chair of CAAD, Prof. Ludger Hovestadt, ETH Zürich CH 2003 Collaboration with Christian Kerez, Architekt ETH/SIA in Zürich CH 2003 Co-Founder of elVisual, Zürich CH 2001 NOSE Applied Intelligence AG in Zürich CH (internship) 2001 ETHworld, ETH Zürich CH, concept & design of multimedia presentations 2000 G. Vazquez Consuegra, Arquitecto in Sevilla E (internship) 1998 Chair of CAAD, Prof.Maia Engeli, ETH Zürich CH (internship) 1996 KBF Architekten in Freiburg, Germany (internship) Teaching 2004- Chair of CAAD, Prof. Ludger Hovestadt, ETH Zürich CH 1998-2001 Teaching at Chair of CAAD, Prof. Maia Engeli, ETH Zürich CH Projects CAAD 08.2005 A Unified Approach to Agent-Based Learning with Application in Architecture and Transportation Planning in cooperation with KarstenDroste and KaiRuedenauer 07.2005 Kaisersrot: Computer generated facades in cooperation with Herzog & de Meuron, Basel CH 06.2005 Design and supervision of CAAD-office rearrangement 05.2005 'crawling houses' - generating 3D-Models out of AI-based XML Data in formZ in cooperation with KaiRuedenauer 05.2005 Design and implementation of Twiki-based CAAD Article-System in cooperation with KarstenDroste 03.2005 Teaching: Graduate Design Studio, Diplombegleitfach Thema A 03.2005 Kaisersrot: Research in cooperation with Losinger AG, CH 01.2005 Kaisersrot: Brave Tailor 12.2004 Teaching: NDS:Module 02: Szenarien - Composing & Editing of Motion Pictures 10.2004 Kaisersrot: Konsensmaschine, Globus-Provisorium, Zürich Contact lemmerzahl(at)hbt.arch.ethz.ch tel +41 44 633 40 33 fax +41 44 633 10 50 ETH Hönggerberg HIL E 15.1 CH-8093 Zürich
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