Examples - Wiring Lib - AnalogIn

Wiringlib - Supersonic

This example shows the use of an analog input device using WiringLib in Processing. Connect an infrared sensor to analog pin 0 of your wiring-board. No coding in Wiring required!

Copy this code to your Processing Sketch

// 31 October 2008

// Infrared
// by Christoph Wartmann and Etienne Ribeiro

import processing.core.*;
import gnu.io.*;
import Wiring.*;
import processing.serial.*;

// Const
static int analogPin = 0; // Analog pin (where the infrared-sensor is connected)
color colDot = color (255, 0, 0); // Color of dot
static String comPort = "COM4";

// Var
SerialLib objSerialLib;
int val = 0;

// Setup

void setup(){


        // Wirng-Object
        objSerialLib = new Wiring.SerialLib(this, comPort);


// Main-Loop

public void draw(){

        background (0);

        // Values form 0 to 1023
        objSerialLib.getAnalogInput(analogPin, false);

        // draw dot
        fill (colDot);
        ellipse (width/2, height/2, width*val/1024, height*val/1024);

        // take a break


void SerialData(Integer v1, Integer v2, Integer v3, Integer v4, Integer v5, Integer v6, Integer v7, Integer v8) {

        // write value from sensor to 'val'
        if ((char)v1.intValue() == 'A' && (char)v2.intValue() == 'I' && v3.intValue() == analogPin) {
                val = v4.intValue() * 4;


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