
Feel free to have a closer look at our examples.
Please send your comments or improved programs and code to: Christoph Wartmann | mail: wartmann{at}arch.ethz.ch


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01 Electronic Bricks - Learning documentation
Electronic Bricks. Learn how to use the EmbeddedLab Electronic-Bricks-Set with all Basic Brick Examples that we're using during our courses. ...>>

02 Modules and Sensors
This section contains modules, that can easily be plugged into your application. ...>>

03 Motors
This section contains motors, that can easily be plugged into your application. ...>>

06 WiringLib for Processing
Wiring allows direct access to the Wiring/Arduino-board from any PC or MAC without the need to code in the Wiring IDE. Upload a standard firmware to your Wiring/Arduino-board and code using processing. Version 1.1 now available! ...>>

04 Aruino/Wiring HowTo's
This section contains Aruino/Wiring howTo's. ...>>

05 Wireless communication with Maxstream's ´xBee´ radios
Learn how to get going with wireless sensor nodes and communication to the pc via the
serial interface RS232 ...>>

This website has been archived and is no longer maintained.