Examples - Wiring Lib - AnalogIn Async

Wiringlib - Supersonic Async

This example shows the use of an analog input device using WiringLib in Processing. The sensors are called asynchronic, meaning you get the values directly in the return statement of the calling function!

Copy this code to your Processing Sketch

// 31 October 2008

// Infrared
// by Christoph Wartmann and Etienne Ribeiro

import processing.core.*;
import gnu.io.*;
import Wiring.*;
import processing.serial.*;

// Const
int analogPin = 0; // Analog pin (where the infrared-sensor is connected)
int colDot = color (255, 0, 0); // Color of dot
static String comPort = "COM4";

// Var
SerialLib objSerialLib;
int val = 0;

// Setup

void setup(){


        // Wirng-Object
        objSerialLib = new Wiring.Async.SerialLib(this, comPort);


// Main-Loop

public void draw(){

        background (0);

        // Values form 0 to 1023
        val = objSerialLib.returnAnalogInput(analogPin);
        val = val * 4;

        // draw dot
        fill (colDot);
        ellipse (width/2, height/2, width*val/1024, height*val/1024);

        // take a break


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