Train Tracks South

Students: Philipp Frisch, Nathanael Weiss


The strategy concerns the development of a linear residential housing building block in the eastern -most regionpart of Basel, close to the border with Germany. In this case, the thin, five-meter-wide residential block is built on the extremely narrow plot that exists between the active train line to Grenzach and the various allotment gardens and sport fields that lie to its south. Given the length of the site, the building has been conceived in section as being composed of two parts: the upper one, where residential units are located which remains constantly the same and and a lower part, that changes according to the specific terrain conditions and the functions that are located adjacent to it. Even though this project, set within a very restricted footprint, follows the elegant curve of the train tracks oriented towards the south and overlooking the Rhine, it nevertheless suggests a large-scale urban development able to respond to the particular site conditions, while also offering a generous and attractive area for housing.


A linear ‘infrastructure for housing’ between train tracks and leisure facilities



1 Railway station; 2 Interface with railway station; 3 Private gardens
4 Climbing park; 5 Stands for a football field; 6 Ground-level promenade


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