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Search: Kai *Strehlke[^A-Za-z]

Topics in Extern web: Changed: now 15:32 Changed by:
BuildingIpTeam 05 Oct 2004 - 18:50 - r1.2 AgnieszkaSowa
the building ip team at the chair of caad the team of the Building Intellinge Projects (Building IP): Kai Strehlke (architect), Mathias Ochsendorf (computer scientist ...  
VideosRH 23 Oct 2004 - 15:45 - NEW AgnieszkaSowa
red hell videos redHell video laptop.swf demonstration feat. Kai Strehlke with E67 interaction  

Number of topics: 2

Topics in Main web: Changed: now 15:32 Changed by:
CaadGroup 12 Oct 2006 - 09:41 - r1.26 KaiRuedenauer
CAAD Member Group Set GROUP Main.AlexanderLehnerer Main.AndreaGleiniger Main.BryanRaney Main.ChristophSchindler Main.GeorgVrachliotis Main.MajaDzieglewska Main.FabianScheurer ...  
KaiStrehlke 01 Sep 2004 - 13:46 - NEW KaiStrehlke
Name: Kai Strehlke Email: ETHStatus: CAAD Member Comment: Personal Preferences (details in TWIKIWEB .TWikiVariables) Horizontal size of ...  

Number of topics: 2

Topics in NDS0405 web: Changed: now 15:32 Changed by:
Nds0405Calenar 17 Aug 2005 - 12:14 - r1.72 PhilippSchaerer
MAS 04-05: CALENDAR Events: ETH: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich Events: ETH-ARCH: Faculty of Architecture: Modul ...  

Number of topics: 1

Topics in RZM web: Changed: now 15:32 Changed by:
MedRaume 02 Jan 2006 - 21:41 - r1.24 SusanneSchumacher
Interaktion mit Licht und Farbe BR Historische und aktuelle Beispiele aus Gestaltung, Kunst und Architektur BR Farbenklang und Lichtsymphonie: color music SEP Immersion ...  

Number of topics: 1

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