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TWiki . Fund . WebHome

this is the Fund web for Steffen P Walz and Odilo Schoch, concerning the ETH Foundation Fundraising Game

Inhalt dieser Website



Content (high concept due to May 03, 2005)

1. Introduction: Briefing and Definitions

1.1. Results of meetings with ETHZ Foundation

1.2. Definitions by the Authors

1.3. Innovations

1.4. Expected Goal of the ETHFundraising Gaim (german and english)

2. On Pattern Recognition and Enjoyable Closure

2.1. Scientific Research

2.2. Examples

2.3. Adaption to the ETHZ Fundraising Game

3. Game Concept




4. Business Case


5. Marketing & PR

5.1. Cooperate Design Guideline

5.2. Webbased PR

5.2.2. Specifications

5.2.3. Examples

5.3. Haptical PR

5.3.2. Specifications

5.3.3. Examples

5.4. On Site PR (ETHZ Main Building)

5.4.2. Specifications Architectural Presentation Design and Structure Technical Description Appearance of Staff Regulations and Clarifications

5.4.3. Examples

6. Research Topics



7. Sustainability

7.1. Idea

7.2. LED-Screen

7.2.1. ETH Science City

7.2.2. ETH On The Road

7.3. ETHZ Foundation

8. Budget

8.1. Budget Definition and Precision (20%)

9. Milestone Plan



10. Project Plan, Specifications/Next Steps

10.1. Technical Specifications

10.2. Time Frame defined by Topics

10.2.1. Gamedesign

10.2.2. Programming

10.2.3. Cooperate Design

10.2.4. Graphical Software Design

10.2.5. Booth design (Architecture)

10.2.6. Awards and Prices

10.2.7. Hardware and Office

10.2.8. PR and Press Material

10.2.9. ...

10.2.10. ...

11. Teams & Contac

11.1. Project Organization

11.2. Internal Contacts

11.3. External Contacts

12. Disclaimer

A. Appendix

A.1. Copies of Offers/Tenders

A.2. Copies of Regulations

04 May 2009 - 08:17 - SiteTools

Revision r1.9 - 04 May 2005 - 13:41 - OdiloSchoch Copyright © 1999-2003 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors.

This website has been archived and is no longer maintained.