CAAD | ARCH TWiki > Catch0405 > KaisersrotPersistenz > SoftwareVersions > GenerischeDb-Eingabemaske > StoreModule TWiki webs:
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 * Created on Dec 13, 2004
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 * @author denis
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public class StoreData {
   String store(String [] s) {

      try {

         //      Create the SessionFactory
         Configuration cfg = new Configuration().addClass(User1.class);
         SessionFactory factory = cfg.buildSessionFactory();
         //      Create the Session
         Session session = factory.openSession();
         //      Create the Transaction               
         Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();

         //Create new User and store them the database
         User1 newUser1 = new User1();


         // close our session and release resources
      } catch (HibernateException e) {
         // TODO Auto-generated catch block
      String returnString = "store successfully completed";
      return (returnString);

-- OtherDenisRaschpichler - 14 Dec 2004

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