/* * Created on Dec 28, 2004 * * TODO To change the template for this generated file go to * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates */ /** * @author t100671 * * TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates */ public class StoreTupel { private String PrimaryKey; private String Haustyp; private String Anzahl; private String Name; private String Nname; private String Breite; private String Tiefe; private String Fläche; private String r; private String g; private String b; private String strasse; private String wasser; private String gruen; private String nix; public StoreTupel() { } public String getPrimaryKey() { return PrimaryKey; } private void setPrimaryKey(String PrimaryKey) { this.PrimaryKey = PrimaryKey; } public String getHaustyp() { return Haustyp; } public void setHaustyp(String newHaustyp) { this.Name = newHaustyp; } public String getAnzahl() { return Anzahl; } public void setAnzahl(String newAnzahl) { this.Anzahl = newAnzahl; } public String getName() { return Name; } public void setName(String newName) { this.Name = newName; } public String getNname() { return Nname; } public void setNname(String newNname) { this.Nname = newNname; } public String getBreite() { return Breite; } public void setBreite(String newBreite) { this.Breite = newBreite; } public String getTiefe() { return Tiefe; } public void setTiefe(String newTiefe) { this.Breite = newTiefe; } public String getFläche() { return Fläche; } public void setFläche(String newFläche) { this.Fläche = newFläche; } public String getr() { return r; } public void setr(String newr) { this.r = newr; } public String getg() { return g; } public void setg(String newg) { this.g = newg; } public String getb() { return b; } public void setb(String newb) { this.b = newb; } public String getstrasse() { return strasse; } public void setstrasse(String newstrasse) { this.strasse = newstrasse; } public String getwasser() { return wasser; } public void setwasser(String newwasser) { this.wasser = newwasser; } public String getgruen() { return gruen; } public void setgruen(String newgruen) { this.gruen = newgruen; } public String getnix() { return nix; } public void setnix(String newnix) { this.nix = newnix; } }-- OtherDenisRaschpichler - 30 Dec 2004
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