Examples - Modules - Motion

PIR Motion Sensor SE-90

This Module can be used to plug several Motion-Sensors into your project. Connect your sensors to any digital pin on your board.

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Table of contents


Source - modMotionPIRse10

*  PIR Motion Sensor SE-90
*   Version:      1.0.0 - January 2009
*   Author:       Etienne Ribeiro    / tutorial assistant caad      /  eribeiro[at]ethz.ch
*   Supervisor:   Christoph Wartmann / chair for caad - ETH Zürich  /  wartmann[at].arch.ethz.ch
*   Desc:         Shows the use of an analog Accelerator. This Module can be used to plug severel
*                 Motion-Sensors to your project. Connect your sensors to any digital pin on your
*                 board.
*                 Note: Don't forget to connect a 10k Pull up resistor (connect vcc and outpin).
*                 Note: The sensor needs up to 30 seconds after beeing powerd to return accurate
*                 results.

// Const

int const MAX_SENSORS_TO_APPEND = 10;

// Var

int mdt_digitalPin [MAX_SENSORS_TO_APPEND]; // Pin where PIR-Sensor's out pin is connected
boolean mdt_isTransition [MAX_SENSORS_TO_APPEND];
int mdt_count = 0;
long mdt_tmpMillis [MAX_SENSORS_TO_APPEND];

void MotionDetect_AppendSensor (int digitalPin) {

        mdt_isTransition[mdt_count] = true;
        mdt_tmpMillis [mdt_count] = 0;
        mdt_digitalPin[mdt_count] = digitalPin;
        pinMode(mdt_digitalPin[mdt_count], INPUT);
        mdt_count += 1;


int MotionDetect_isSensorFiring (int digitalPin, int waitMillisToEnd) {

        // get id (index in array)
        int id = mdt_getIdByPin (digitalPin);

        // return if pin has not been appended
        if (id == -1) return -1;

        // Something detected
        if (digitalRead(mdt_digitalPin[id]) == LOW) {

                mdt_tmpMillis[id] = millis();
                if (mdt_isTransition[id] == true) { // go in only one time

                        mdt_isTransition[id] = false;
                        return 1; // "Something moved..."


        } else {

                // Commit detection if nothing moved for TURN_OFF_AFTER-time
                if (mdt_isTransition[id] == false && mdt_tmpMillis[id] + waitMillisToEnd < millis()) { // go in only one time

                        mdt_isTransition[id] = true;
                        return 0; // "and stopped."



        // Return
        return -1;


// Private Functions

int mdt_getIdByPin (int digitalPin) {

        for (int id = 0;id<mdt_count;id++) {

                if (mdt_digitalPin[id] == digitalPin) return id;


        return -1;



Source - Main

*  PIR Motion Sensor SE-90
*   Version:      1.0.0 - January 2009
*   Author:       Etienne Ribeiro    / tutorial assistant caad      /  eribeiro[at]ethz.ch
*   Supervisor:   Christoph Wartmann / chair for caad - ETH Zürich  /  wartmann[at].arch.ethz.ch
*   Desc:         Shows the use of an analog Accelerator. This Module can be used to plug severel
*                 Motion-Sensors to your project. Connect your sensors to any digital pin on your
*                 board.

// Const

int digitalPin1 = 24; // Pin where PIR-Sensor's out pin is connected
int digitalPin2 = 32;

// Var

boolean initialized = false;

// Setup

void setup() {

        // LED (2 * blink)
        pinMode(48, OUTPUT);
        digitalWrite(48, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(48, LOW);
        digitalWrite(48, HIGH);

        // Start Serial

        // Append Motion Sensor
        //  You can append more Sensors if you want!
        MotionDetect_AppendSensor (digitalPin1);
        MotionDetect_AppendSensor (digitalPin2);


// Loop

void loop() {

        // if nothing moved during 3000 millis, sensor torns off and waits for next movement
        switch (MotionDetect_isSensorFiring (digitalPin1, 3000)) {

                case 1:

                Serial.println("Sensor1: Something moved...");

                case 0:

                Serial.println("Sensor1: ...and stopped.");

                case -1:



        switch (MotionDetect_isSensorFiring (digitalPin2, 3000)) {

                case 1:

                Serial.println("Sensor2: Something moved...");

                case 0:

                Serial.println("Sensor2: ...and stopped.");

                case -1:



        delay (200);


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