Examples - Modules - Accelerator LIS302

Acceleration Sensor LIS302DL

This Module can be used to plug an Acceleration Sensor LIS302DL into your project. Connect your sensors to I2C-Pins on your Board (Pin 0 and 1 on Wiring-Board). SCL- and SDA-Pins are not crossed so connect SCL to SCL and SDA to SDA.

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Source - modLIS302DL

*  Accelerator LIS302DL - Module
*   Version:      1.0.0 - Januar 2009
*   Author:       Christoph Wartmann / chair for caad - ETH Zürich  /  wartmann[at].arch.ethz.ch
*                 Etienne Ribeiro    / tutorial assistant caad      /  eribeiro[at]ethz.ch
*                 (Based on code from BEN GATTI)
*   Desc:         Module to plug an LIS302DL Accelerator Sensor to your porjects. This Module makes
*                 it easy to run LIS302DL Accelerator in either +-2g or +- 8g mode.
*   Pins:         VCC: 3.3V
*                 GND
*                 SCL: to Pin 0 (SCL)
*                 MOSI: to Pin 1 (SDA)
*   Protocol:     I2C
*   Not yet implemented:
*                 - interrepts
*                 - click and double click recognition
*                 - high pass filter
*                 - SPI Interface
*                 - Self Test
*   Methodes:     void LIS302_iniWire()
*                    Initialize Wire. Must be called at startup.
*                 boolean LIS302_AppendSensor ()
*                    Append Sensor (using +-2g Mode).
*                 boolean LIS302_AppendSensor (boolean use8g)
*                    Append Sensor.
*                    Using +-2g or +-8g Mode
*                 void LIS302_ConfigR1 (boolean dataRate400Hz, boolean powerUp, boolean use8g, boolean enableSelfTestP, boolean enableSelfTestM, boolean enableZ, boolean enableY, boolean enableX)
*                    Configuration Register 1. See Datasheet if you want to change any settings.
*                 void LIS302_ConfigR2 (boolean useSPI3WireMode, boolean rebootMemory, boolean enabledFilteredData, boolean enableFreeFallAndWakeUp02, boolean enableFreeFallAndWakeUp01, byte highPassFrequency)
*                    Configuration Register 2. See Datasheet if you want to change any settings.
*                 void LIS302_ConfigR3 (boolean interruptActiveLow, boolean interreptOpenDrain, byte int2ControlBits, byte int1ControlBits)
*                    Configuration Register 3. See Datasheet if you want to change any settings.
*                 byte LIS302_Read(char which)
*                    Read values
*                    'x', 'y', 'z': Acceleration
*                    's': Current state of Sensor
*                    'a', 'b', 'c': Get Configuration
*                    'w': Get whoAmI. should be 3B
*                 int LIS302_ParseToG (int val)
*                    Parse value to G. Call val = LIS3L_Read('x') and LIS3L_ParseToG(val).
*                 void LIS302_PrintState (byte state)
*                    Print current state of your sensor to command line. Call state = LIS3L_Read ('s') and LIS3L_PrintState(state)
*   TWI (I2C) sketch to communicate with the LIS302DL accelerometer - Modified and tested Ben Gatti - 6/9/2008
*   http://www.st.com/stonline/products/literature/ds/12726.pdf
*   Note 5.6K pullup resister on data lines.
*   Device is 3 volt was tested at 5 volts no level shifting.
*   Reference claims 6 volts is pin max.
*   Modified from // TWI (I2C) sketch to communicate with the LIS302V02DQ accelerometer
*   http://www.nearfuturelaboratory.com/2007/01/11/arduino-and-twi/
*   Modified code from http://research.techkwondo.com/blog/julian/279
*   Thanks Julian.

#include <TwoWire.h>

// Const

#define whoAmI 0x0F
#define reg1 0x20
#define reg2 0x21
#define reg3 0x22
#define stateReg 0x27
#define outXhigh 0x29
#define outYhigh 0x2B
#define outZhigh 0x2D
#define LIS302_i2cID 0x1D // 0x1C (Pin 12 must be LOW) or 0x1D (Pin 12 must be HIGH)
#define LIS302_id 59 // 0x3B
#define LIS302_2g_factor 18 // Divide value from register with this value to get 'g'
#define LIS302_8g_factor 72 // Divide value from register with this value to get 'g'

// Var

boolean LIS302_2g_mode = true;

// iniWire

void LIS302_iniWire() {

        Wire.begin(); // join i2c bus (address optional for master)


boolean LIS302_AppendSensor () {

        LIS302_AppendSensor (false); // +-2g

boolean LIS302_AppendSensor (boolean use8g) {

        // Config Device
        boolean powerup = true;
        LIS302_ConfigR1 (false, powerup, use8g, false, false, true, true, true); // power up, use8g
        LIS302_ConfigR2 (false, false, false, false, false, 0);
        LIS302_ConfigR3 (false, false, 0, 0);

        // query the WHO_AM_I register of the LIS302DL
        // this should return 0x3B, a factory setting
        byte val = LIS302_Read ('w');
        if (val != LIS302_id)
        return false;

        // Return
        return true;


// LIS302_ConfigR1
//  default: false, false, false, false, false, true, true, true

void LIS302_ConfigR1 (boolean dataRate400Hz, boolean powerUp, boolean use8g, boolean enableSelfTestP, boolean enableSelfTestM, boolean enableZ, boolean enableY, boolean enableX) {

        byte cmd = B00000000;
        if (dataRate400Hz)       // switch data rate for mesurement between 100Hz (default) and 400Hz
        cmd |= B10000000;
        if (powerUp)             // power up/down the device
        cmd |= B01000000;
        if (use8g) {             // switch between +-2g and +-8g mode
                cmd |= B00100000;
                LIS302_2g_mode = false;
        } else {
                LIS302_2g_mode = true;
        if (enableSelfTestP)     // enable selftest P
        cmd |= B00010000;
        if (enableSelfTestM)     // enable selftest M
        cmd |= B00001000;
        if (enableZ)             // enable Z
        cmd |= B00000100;
        if (enableY)             // enable Y
        cmd |= B00000010;
        if (enableX)             // enable X
        cmd |= B00000001;

        // Send command
        Wire.send(reg1); //


// LIS302_ConfigR2
//  default: false, false, false, false, false, 0

void LIS302_ConfigR2 (boolean useSPI3WireMode, boolean rebootMemory, boolean enabledFilteredData, boolean enableFreeFallAndWakeUp02, boolean enableFreeFallAndWakeUp01, byte highPassFrequency) {

        byte cmd = B00000000;
        if (useSPI3WireMode)               // if using SPI-Protocoll (not I2C) you can switch between 4-wire (default) and 3-wire mode
        cmd |= B10000000;
        if (rebootMemory)                  // Reboot Memory (Reload Registers from flash memory, same is done at power up)
        cmd |= B01000000;
        if (enabledFilteredData)           // enable high pass filter in the signal chain of the sensor
        cmd |= B00010000;
        if (enableFreeFallAndWakeUp02)     // High Pass filter enabled for FreeFall/WakeUp # 2.
        cmd |= B00001000;
        if (enableFreeFallAndWakeUp01)     // High Pass filter enabled for FreeFall/WakeUp # 1.
        cmd |= B00000100;
        if (highPassFrequency == 0)        // 2Hz (if dataRate = 100Hz) / 8Hz (if dataRate = 400Hz) (default)
        cmd |= B00000000;
        if (highPassFrequency == 1)        // 1Hz (if dataRate = 100Hz) / 4Hz (if dataRate = 400Hz)
        cmd |= B00000001;
        if (highPassFrequency == 2)        // 0.5Hz (if dataRate = 100Hz) / 2Hz (if dataRate = 400Hz) (default)
        cmd |= B00000010;
        if (highPassFrequency == 3)        // 0.25Hz (if dataRate = 100Hz) / 1Hz (if dataRate = 400Hz) (default)
        cmd |= B00000011;

        // Send command
        Wire.send(reg2); //


// LIS302_ConfigR3
//  default: false, false, 0, 0

void LIS302_ConfigR3 (boolean interruptActiveLow, boolean interreptOpenDrain, byte int2ControlBits, byte int1ControlBits) {

        byte cmd = B00000000;
        if (interruptActiveLow)       // interrupt is active if HIGH (default) or LOW
        cmd |= B10000000;
        if (interreptOpenDrain)       // Push-pull (default) /Open Drain selection on interrupt pad
        cmd |= B01000000;

        if (int2ControlBits == 0)     // Int2 Pad = GND (default)
        cmd |= B00000000;
        if (int2ControlBits == 1)     // Int2 Pad = FF_WU_1
        cmd |= B00001000;
        if (int2ControlBits == 2)     // Int2 Pad = FF_WU_2
        cmd |= B00010000;
        if (int2ControlBits == 3)     // Int2 Pad = FF_WU_1 or FF_WU_2
        cmd |= B00011000;
        if (int2ControlBits == 4)     // Int2 Pad = Data ready
        cmd |= B00100000;
        if (int2ControlBits == 5)     // Int2 Pad = Click interrupt
        cmd |= B00111000;

        if (int1ControlBits == 0)     // Int1 Pad = GND (default)
        cmd |= B00000000;
        if (int1ControlBits == 1)     // Int1 Pad = FF_WU_1
        cmd |= B00000001;
        if (int1ControlBits == 2)     // Int1 Pad = FF_WU_2
        cmd |= B00000010;
        if (int1ControlBits == 3)     // Int1 Pad = FF_WU_1 or FF_WU_2
        cmd |= B00000011;
        if (int1ControlBits == 4)     // Int1 Pad = Data ready
        cmd |= B00000100;
        if (int1ControlBits == 5)     // Int1 Pad = Click interrupt
        cmd |= B00000111;

        // Send command
        Wire.send(reg3); //


// Read
//   'x', 'y', 'z', 's'->state, 'w'->whoAmI (8 Bit Dummie Identification for LIS302DL), 'a'->config Reg1, 'b'->config Reg2, 'c'->config Reg3

byte LIS302_Read(char which) {

        // Send register you want to read from
        switch(which) {

                case 'x':
                case 'X':


                case 'y':
                case 'Y':


                case 'z':
                case 'Z':


                case 's':
                case 'S':


                case 'w':
                case 'W':


                case 'a':
                case 'A':


                case 'b':
                case 'B':


                case 'c':
                case 'C':



                return 0;


        // Read command
        Wire.requestFrom(LIS302_i2cID, 1);

        // return
        return Wire.receive();


// LIS302_ParseToG
//   Parse Values from Register to mG

int LIS302_ParseToG (int val) {

        long tmpval = val;
        if (LIS302_2g_mode)
        return tmpval * 1000 / LIS302_2g_factor;
        return tmpval * 1000 / LIS302_8g_factor;


void LIS302_PrintState (byte state) {

        Serial.print("Status: ");
        Serial.print(state, BIN);
        Serial.print(": ");
        if (int(1<<7 & state) != 0) // byte 1000 0000
        Serial.print (" data over written!");
        if (int(1<<6 & state) != 0) // byte 0100 0000
        Serial.print (" data over written by Z!");
        if (int(1<<5 & state) != 0) // byte 0010 0000
        Serial.print (" data over written by Y!");
        if (int(1<<4 & state) != 0) // byte 0001 0000
        Serial.print (" data over written by X!");
        if (int(1<<3 & state) != 0) // byte 0000 1000
        Serial.print (" new data available!");
        if (int(1<<2 & state) != 0) // byte 0000 0100
        Serial.print (" new data available for Z!");
        if (int(1<<1 & state) != 0) // byte 0000 0010
        Serial.print (" new data available for X!");
        if (int(1<<0 & state) != 0) // byte 0000 0001
        Serial.print (" new data available for Y!");



Source - Main

*  Accelerator LIS302DL
*   Version:      1.0.0 - Januar 2009
*   Author:       Christoph Wartmann / chair for caad - ETH Zürich  /  wartmann[at].arch.ethz.ch
*                 Etienne Ribeiro    / tutorial assistant caad      /  eribeiro[at]ethz.ch
*                 (Based on code from BEN GATTI)
*   Desc:         Shows the use of an LIS302DL Accelerator Sensor using I2C-Protocoll.

// Setup

void setup(){

        // LED (2 * blink)
        pinMode(48, OUTPUT);
        digitalWrite(48, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(48, LOW);
        digitalWrite(48, HIGH);

        // Serial

        // Initialize Wire
        LIS302_iniWire ();

        // Append Sensor
        Serial.print("AppendSensor ... ");
        boolean success = LIS302_AppendSensor (); // +- 2g
        // boolean success = LIS302_AppendSensor (true); // +- 8g
        if (success == false)
        Serial.println("ERROR while Appending Sensor. Perhaps sensor is connected wrong.");

        // Uncomment this, if you want to define further configurations (usually not necessary)
        // Config
        //  default: false, false, false, false, false, true, true, true
        //  boolean dataRate400Hz, boolean powerUp, boolean use8g, boolean enableSelfTestP, boolean enableSelfTestM, boolean enableZ, boolean enableY, boolean enableX
        boolean powerup = true;
        boolean use8g = false;
        LIS302_ConfigR1 (false, powerup, use8g, false, false, true, true, true);
        //  default: false, false, false, false, false, 0
        //  boolean useSPI3WireMode, boolean rebootMemory, boolean enabledFilteredData, boolean enableFreeFallAndWakeUp02, boolean enableFreeFallAndWakeUp01, byte highPassFrequency
        LIS302_ConfigR2 (false, false, false, false, false, 0);
        //  default: false, false, 0, 0
        //  boolean interruptActiveLow, boolean interreptOpenDrain, byte int2ControlBits, byte int1ControlBits
        LIS302_ConfigR3 (false, false, 0, 0);

        delay (100);
        int val;

        // Who am I?
        val = LIS302_Read ('w');
        Serial.print(" Who Am I: ");
        Serial.print(val, HEX);
        Serial.print(" (should be '3B')"); // should be 0x3B

        // Config1
        val = LIS302_Read ('a');
        Serial.print(" Config1: ");
        Serial.print(val, BIN);
        Serial.print(" (default: 00000111)");
        // Config2
        val = LIS302_Read ('b');
        Serial.print(" Config2: ");
        Serial.print(val, BIN);
        Serial.print(" (default: 00000000)");
        // Config3
        val = LIS302_Read ('c');
        Serial.print(" Config3: ");
        Serial.print(val, BIN);
        Serial.print(" (default: 00000000)");


// Loop

void loop() {

        // Mesure Acceleration
        byte val_x = LIS302_Read ('x');
        byte val_y = LIS302_Read ('y');
        byte val_z = LIS302_Read ('z');
        byte val_xg = LIS302_ParseToG (val_x);
        byte val_yg = LIS302_ParseToG (val_y);
        byte val_zg = LIS302_ParseToG (val_z);
        Serial.print("  x: "); Serial.print(val_xg); Serial.print(" mG ("); Serial.print(val_x); Serial.print(")");
        Serial.print("  y: "); Serial.print(val_yg); Serial.print(" mG ("); Serial.print(val_y); Serial.print(")");
        Serial.print("  z: "); Serial.print(val_zg); Serial.print(" mG ("); Serial.print(val_z); Serial.print(")");

        // Print state
        byte state = LIS302_Read('s');

        // Delay
        delay (100);


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