ETH Zuerich - Startseite
Professur für CAAD


caad d-arch

Caad Teaching

Bachelor of Architecture: CAAD II ss07

Master of Advanced Studies
in Architecture, CAAD

Programmieren statt Zeichnen

Graustufen - Ein Atlas
Schweizer Wohngebäude als XML Daten

DWF- Denken in Systemen:
In Collaboration with the Technical University Vienna



Caad Projects


Related pages

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Institute of Building Technology
Faculty of Architecture

Other pages


hbt d-arch

Kursinformation | Kursablauf | Gruppen | Material | Lingo | Leitung | Seminarreise

Cursor Values Overview:

=Mac PC cursor
= -1 arrow
= 0 default
= 1 I-beam
= 2 crosshair
= 3 crossbar
= 4 watch (mac only)/ hourglass (pc)
=200 200 blank
=254 254 questionmark
=256 256 pencil
=257 257 eraser-square
=258 258 marquee select crosshair
=259 259 bucket
=260 269261-269 cursor 2
=271 271 reg-point crosshair
=272 272 lasso
=280 280 Hand : Pointing (aka finger)
=281 281 Eyedropper
=282 nothing on PC Down pointer on Mac
=283 nothing on PC Down with attetion on Mac
=284 284 expand horizontal
=285 285 expand vertical
=286 286 expand H&V
=290 290 Hand : Closed
=291 291 Hand : Closed w/No drag
=292 292 Hand : Closed w/plus sign
=293 293 inverse arrow
=294 294 rotate
=295 295 skew
=296 296 skew black
=297 297 black resize vertical
=298 298 black resize diagonal positive slope
=299 299 black resize diagonal negative slope
=300 300 black v thingy (smear?)
=301 301 airbrush
=302 302 magnifier plus
=303 303 magnifier minus
=304 304 magnifier empty
=305 nothing on PC funny crosshair white vertex
=306 nothing on PC funny crosshair with angle
=307 nothing on PC funny crosshair black vertex

-- PiaFricker - 08 Apr 2005

Revision r1.3 - 28 Apr 2005 - 15:59 - PiaFricker
Parents: WebHome > WebHome > KursabLauf > KursHeader > LinksLingo > LingoBasics
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