Mathias Gunz

Mathias Gunz was born in St. Gallen in 1979. After attending the Vorkurs at the St. Gallen School of Design, he studied architecture at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich) from 2000 to 2007. He graduated under Roger Diener and Marcel Meili with a free diploma, receiving the SIA Architecture Prize and the ETH Medal for Outstanding Diploma Work. Since 2002, he has worked in various architecture offices in St. Gallen, Zurich, and Tokyo and became a self-employed architect in 2008. He has been working as an assistant with Roger Diener and Marcel Meili at ETH Studio Basel since 2007. In 2011 he formed the office Gunz & Künzle Architekten with Michael Künzle in Zurich.

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