 | Connected Real Estate |
conditioning and power consumption were regulated according to
the number of people in the building? How much additional value
could building owners generate if they had a more accurate picture
of the way their services were being consumed and could charge
tenants accordingly?
 | MAS pump up my chair |
As a successful conclusion of the module "metal works" our MAS -students pumped up furniture design classics with water pressure. The objects were drawn in CAD software, cut with the CNC laser and manually welded together.
 | SaloneSatellite |
Furniture fair Milano 2007
Thank you for your interest and attendance at our stand at the furniture fair Milano in the SaloneSatellite. (http://www.cosmit.it) We are pleased if our presentation suits you. We like to make these information available as a press statement.
 | Seminarwoche |
Die diesjährige Seminarwoche der Professur für CAAD wird durch einen eingeladenen Künstler konzipiert und durchgeführt. Das gestaltete Ergebnis wird während der Seminarwoche mit modernen CAD/CAM Technologien in der Digitalwerkstatt hergestellt und montiert. Ziel ist es den dort installierten Schneidplotter für die Fertigung zu verwenden ...>>
 | Caad goes Swissbau |
From 23. until 27. january 2007, the chair of Caad explains the "digital chain" with the ‘Neue Monte Rosa Hütte’ Project at the Swissbau in Basel, the trade fair of the Swiss building industry. A first 1:1 prototyp of a Monte Rosa room will be exhibited. Infoevent at the 24. January 2007, 18h, Halle 1, Stand B 99.
 | "Camera Obscura" inauguration in Trondheim |
[11.12.2006] On a prominent public space in the former harbour area of Trondheim an accessible "Camera Obscura" was inaugurated on Sat 09.12. The timber construction explores the full potential of automated joinery machines. The structure was designed and built by students of NTNU Trondheim. Fabian Scheurer and Christoph Schindler from the Chair of CAAD supported the course with their knowledge on computer aided manufacturing.
 | Exhibition: Group Thesis: MAS CAAD 2005/06 |
Exhibition: october 6 – october 17, 2006 | ETH-Hönggerberg Zurich, HIL ground floor, zone D30
Vernissage: september 5, 2006 at 6.00 pm
An experimental construction is on exhibition. It chronicles the research, experimentation, and development undertaken by the postgraduate students in Computer Aided Architectural Design (CAAD) 2005/06. Within a three months period, the participants designed, programmed, and fabricated an irregular spatial structure, showing the potential of the „digital chain“; the entirely digital process from design through to production.
 | eCAADe06 | CAAD is presenting 4 papers |
The chair for CAAD is presenting four papers at the eCAADe06 - Communicating Spaces(s) | 06.-09.09.06 in Volos - Greece.
Pia Fricker, Odilo Schoch and Oskar Zieta are presenting the work of the chair at the 24th Conference on Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe. The papers are covering research-, teaching projects and case studies.
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